属性 | 值 |
file | "/home/exaos/Workspace/exaos/utils/o-blog/example/sample-zh.org" |
buffer | #<buffer sample-zh.org> |
publish-dir | "out" |
template-dir | "../templates" |
style-dir | "style" |
posts-filter | "+TODO=\"DONE\"" |
static-filter | "+PAGE={.+.html}" |
snippet-filter | "+SNIPPET={.+}" |
title | "o-blog" |
description | "使用 org-mode 的独立博客系统" |
post-build-shell | ("cmd 4" "cmd 3" "cmd 2" "cmd 1") |
属性 | 值 |
id | 0 |
title | "在博文中添加图片" |
timespamp | (20530 62900) |
year | 2012 |
month | 8 |
day | 21 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "o-blog" "o-blog" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/08" |
filename | "00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/08/21_00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span8 \"> #+END_HTML 向博文中添加图片非常简单,因为 [[http://org-mode.org][Org-mode]] 提供了一个特别的链接机制。只要它的路径是 合法的,图片源文件可以存储在任意位置。在导出页面时,图片文件会被拷贝到与博文相对 的文件夹下,所有的链接都会修订到新的位置上。 #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span5 \"> #+END_HTML 比如,下面这段代码会将文件 =emacs-logo.png= 从当前路径拷贝到 =tips/2012/08/21_adding-an-image-into-a-post/emacs-logo.png=. #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span3 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC org file:emacs-logo.png #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML [[file:../../../tips/2012/08/21_00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026/emacs-logo.png]] #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML HTML 输出结果与下面类似: #+BEGIN_SRC html <img src=\"21_adding-an-image-into-a-post/emacs-logo.png\" alt=\"21_adding-an-image-into-a-post/emacs-logo.png\" /> #+END_SRC 最方便的办法是将所有文件都放在一个 =/files/= 文件夹下。然后你可以在其中为每篇博文 创建一个子目录: - =/files/post1/file1= - =/files/post1/file2= - =/files/post2/file= - ... " |
content-html | "<div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span8 \"> <p> 向博文中添加图片非常简单,因为 <a href=\"http://org-mode.org\">Org-mode</a> 提供了一个特别的链接机制。只要它的路径是 合法的,图片源文件可以存储在任意位置。在导出页面时,图片文件会被拷贝到与博文相对 的文件夹下,所有的链接都会修订到新的位置上。 </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span5 \"> <p> 比如,下面这段代码会将文件 <code>emacs-logo.png</code> 从当前路径拷贝到 <code>tips/2012/08/21_adding-an-image-into-a-post/emacs-logo.png</code>. </p> </div><div class=\"span3 \"> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">file:emacs-logo.png</span> </pre> </div></div> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <p> <img src=\"../../../tips/2012/08/21_00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026/emacs-logo.png\" alt=\"../../../tips/2012/08/21_00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026/emacs-logo.png\" /> </p> </div></div> <p> HTML 输出结果与下面类似: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">img</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">src</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"21_adding-an-image-into-a-post/emacs-logo.png\"</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">alt</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"21_adding-an-image-into-a-post/emacs-logo.png\"</span> /> </pre> <p> 最方便的办法是将所有文件都放在一个 <code>/files/</code> 文件夹下。然后你可以在其中为每篇博文 创建一个子目录: </p><ul> <li><code>/files/post1/file1</code> </li> <li><code>/files/post1/file2</code> </li> <li><code>/files/post2/file</code> </li> <li>… </li> </ul> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 1 |
title | "创建静态页面" |
timespamp | (20409 51456) |
year | 2012 |
month | 5 |
day | 21 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "Bootstrap" "bootstrap" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "o-blog" "o-blog" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/05" |
filename | "static-pages" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/05/21_static-pages.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> #+END_HTML 创建静态页面与创建博文页面一样。你唯一需要做的就是添加属性 =PAGE=. 导出的路径相对 于 =#+PUBLISH_DIR:=. 你也可以为静态页面指定自定义模版,只需添加属性 =TEMPLATE=. 模版路径相对于 =#+TEMPLATE_DIR:=. #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC org ,* Static page , :PROPERTIES: , :PAGE: path/to/static/page.html , :TEMPLATE: static-page.html , :END: #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML " |
content-html | "<div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> <p> 创建静态页面与创建博文页面一样。你唯一需要做的就是添加属性 <code>PAGE</code>. 导出的路径相对 于 <code>#+PUBLISH_DIR:</code>. </p> <p> 你也可以为静态页面指定自定义模版,只需添加属性 <code>TEMPLATE</code>. 模版路径相对于 <code>#+TEMPLATE_DIR:</code>. </p> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">* Static page</span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\"> :PROPERTIES:</span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">:PAGE:</span> path/to/static/page.html <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">:TEMPLATE:</span> static-page.html <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\"> :END:</span> </pre> </div></div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 2 |
title | "添加自定义字体" |
timespamp | (20391 35304) |
year | 2012 |
month | 5 |
day | 7 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "Bootstrap" "bootstrap" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "o-blog" "o-blog" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/05" |
filename | "custom-fonts" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/05/07_custom-fonts.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil 可在 o-blog 中用两种方式使用 [[http://www.google.com/webfonts][Google webfonts]]:使用 google API 或者在 =templates/style= 目录中提供资源。 #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"alert alert-warning\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Caution</p> #+END_HTML 使用许多字体样式会让你的页面变得很慢,因此仅选择那些你页面中实际需要的字体样式。 #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML Both example are given using the [[http://www.yanone.de/typedesign/kaffeesatz/][Yanone Kaffeesatz]] font. ** Using Google API The [[http://www.google.com/webfonts#QuickUsePlace:quickUse/Family:][quick use]] provides an import snippet such as: #+BEGIN_SRC css @import url(\"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz:400,200,300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext\"); #+END_SRC That line should be included into the =templates/style/less/o-blog-default.less= file in which you should also add something like: #+BEGIN_SRC css h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: \"Yanone Kaffeesatz\", sans-serif; } #+END_SRC And that's it. ** Providing resources That is less efficient in terms of network resources but provide a good alternative for offline publications. The script =get-font= does all needed jobs. #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"o-blog-source\"><a class=\"btn btn-info\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#get-font\" ><i class=\"icon-file icon-white\"></i> get-font</a></div><div class=\"modal fade hide\" id=\"get-font\"><div class=\"modal-header\"><a class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">×</a><h3>get-font</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><pre> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">!/bin/</span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">sh</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">if </span><span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">test</span> -z <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"$1\"</span>; <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">then</span> <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"Usage: $0 font-url\"</span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">exit</span> 1 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">fi</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">FONT_DIR</span>=templates/style/font <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">LESS_DIR</span>=templates/style/less <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">FONT_URL</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"$1\"</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">LESS_FILE</span>=$(<span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"$FONT_URL\"</span> | sed -n <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'s/.*family=\\([^:]\\+\\).*/\\1/p'</span> | sed <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'s/+/-/g'</span>) <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"># </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Wee need to provide a valid user agent to get woff fonts </span><span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">UA</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.65 Safari/535.11'</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">CSS</span>=$(curl -H <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${UA}\"</span> ${<span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">FONT_URL</span>}) <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${CSS}\"</span> | sed -n <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"s#.*local('\\([^']\\+\\)'), url('\\([^']\\+\\)').*#curl -o ${FONT_DIR}/\\1.woff \\2#p\"</span> | sh - <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${CSS}\"</span> | sed <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"s#\\(.*\\)local('\\([^']\\+\\)'), url('\\([^']\\+\\)')\\(.*\\)#\\1local('\\2'), url('../font/\\2.woff')\\4#\"</span> > <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${LESS_DIR}/font-${LESS_FILE}.less\"</span> <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"You should add '@import \\\"font-${LESS_FILE}.less\\\";' to templates/style/less/o-blog-default.less\"</span> </pre></div></div> #+END_HTML You can run: #+BEGIN_SRC sh ./get-font 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz:400,200,300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext' #+END_SRC And add the font declaration in =templates/style/less/o-blog-default.less=: #+BEGIN_SRC css @import \"font-Yanone-Kaffeesatz.less\"; #+END_SRC Add declare its use like in the Google API version: #+BEGIN_SRC css h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: \"Yanone Kaffeesatz\", sans-serif; } #+END_SRC" |
content-html | "<p> 可在 o-blog 中用两种方式使用 <a href=\"http://www.google.com/webfonts\">Google webfonts</a>:使用 google API 或者在 <code>templates/style</code> 目录中提供资源。 </p> <div class=\"alert alert-warning\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Caution</p> <p> 使用许多字体样式会让你的页面变得很慢,因此仅选择那些你页面中实际需要的字体样式。 </p> </div> <p> Both example are given using the <a href=\"http://www.yanone.de/typedesign/kaffeesatz/\">Yanone Kaffeesatz</a> font. </p> <div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">Using Google API</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <p> The <a href=\"http://www.google.com/webfonts#QuickUsePlace:quickUse/Family:\">quick use</a> provides an import snippet such as: </p> <pre class=\"src src-css\"><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">@import</span> url(<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz:400,200,300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext\"</span>); </pre> <p> That line should be included into the <code>templates/style/less/o-blog-default.less</code> file in which you should also add something like: </p> <pre class=\"src src-css\">h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">font-family:</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"Yanone Kaffeesatz\"</span>, sans-serif; } </pre> <p> And that's it. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">Providing resources</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <p> That is less efficient in terms of network resources but provide a good alternative for offline publications. </p> <p> The script <code>get-font</code> does all needed jobs. </p> <div class=\"o-blog-source\"><a class=\"btn btn-info\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#get-font\" ><i class=\"icon-file icon-white\"></i> get-font</a></div><div class=\"modal fade hide\" id=\"get-font\"><div class=\"modal-header\"><a class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">×</a><h3>get-font</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><pre> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">!/bin/</span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">sh</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">if </span><span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">test</span> -z <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"$1\"</span>; <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">then</span> <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"Usage: $0 font-url\"</span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">exit</span> 1 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">fi</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">FONT_DIR</span>=templates/style/font <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">LESS_DIR</span>=templates/style/less <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">FONT_URL</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"$1\"</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">LESS_FILE</span>=$(<span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"$FONT_URL\"</span> | sed -n <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'s/.*family=\\([^:]\\+\\).*/\\1/p'</span> | sed <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'s/+/-/g'</span>) <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"># </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Wee need to provide a valid user agent to get woff fonts </span><span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">UA</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.65 Safari/535.11'</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">CSS</span>=$(curl -H <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${UA}\"</span> ${<span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">FONT_URL</span>}) <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${CSS}\"</span> | sed -n <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"s#.*local('\\([^']\\+\\)'), url('\\([^']\\+\\)').*#curl -o ${FONT_DIR}/\\1.woff \\2#p\"</span> | sh - <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${CSS}\"</span> | sed <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"s#\\(.*\\)local('\\([^']\\+\\)'), url('\\([^']\\+\\)')\\(.*\\)#\\1local('\\2'), url('../font/\\2.woff')\\4#\"</span> > <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"${LESS_DIR}/font-${LESS_FILE}.less\"</span> <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">echo</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"You should add '@import \\\"font-${LESS_FILE}.less\\\";' to templates/style/less/o-blog-default.less\"</span> </pre></div></div> <p> You can run: </p> <pre class=\"src src-sh\">./get-font <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz:400,200,300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext'</span> </pre> <p> And add the font declaration in <code>templates/style/less/o-blog-default.less</code>: </p> <pre class=\"src src-css\"><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">@import</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"font-Yanone-Kaffeesatz.less\"</span>; </pre> <p> Add declare its use like in the Google API version: </p> <pre class=\"src src-css\">h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">font-family:</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"Yanone Kaffeesatz\"</span>, sans-serif; } </pre> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 3 |
title | "一些 bootstrap 特性" |
timespamp | (20386 35504) |
year | 2012 |
month | 5 |
day | 3 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "Bootstrap" "bootstrap" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/05" |
filename | "bootstrap-features" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/05/03_bootstrap-features.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil ** Hero-unit #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC org ,#+begin_o_blog_hero_unit ,#+HTML: <h1>Heading</h1> , tagline ,#+BEGIN_HTML , <a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-large\"> , Learn more , </a> ,#+END_HTML ,#+end_o_blog_hero_unit #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"hero-unit\"> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <h1>Heading</h1> tagline #+BEGIN_HTML <a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-large\"> Learn more </a> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML ** 页头设置 #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC org ,#+begin_o_blog_page_header ,#+HTML: <h1>Page header</h1> ,Some text ,#+end_o_blog_page_header #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"page-header\"> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <h1>Page header</h1> Some text #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML ** 使用标注 (label) 标注及注释文本使用 =label:TYPE= 链接方式,其中的 =TYPE= 可取值为 =default=, =success=, =warning=, =important=, =info= 或 =reverse=. 链接的 URL 部分用作标 注文本。 #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC txt [[ob-label:default][Default]] [[ob-label:success][Success]] [[ob-label:warning][Warning]] [[ob-label:important][Important]] [[ob-label:info][Info]] [[ob-label:inverse][Inverse]] #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML - [[ob-label:default][Default]] - [[ob-label:success][Success]] - [[ob-label:warning][Warning]] - [[ob-label:important][Important]] - [[ob-label:info][Info]] - [[ob-label:inverse][Inverse]] #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML ** 使用标记 (badges) 将提示及未读计数当作标注 (label), 使用链接前缀 =badge:TYPE=. #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC text [[ob-badge:default][Default]] [[ob-badge:success][Success]] [[ob-badge:warning][Warning]] [[ob-badge:important][Important]] [[ob-badge:info][Info]] [[ob-badge:inverse][Inverse]] #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML - [[ob-badge:default][Default]] - [[ob-badge:success][Success]] - [[ob-badge:warning][Warning]] - [[ob-badge:important][Important]] - [[ob-badge:info][Info]] - [[ob-badge:inverse][Inverse]] #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML ** 使用进度条 用于载入、重定向或动作状态。使用链接前缀 =progress:TYPE=, 此处的 =TYPE= 可取 值 =info=, =success=, =warning= 或 =danger=. 额外的类 (=striped= 或 =active=) 可用逗号添加。 URL 为进度百分比。 #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC text [[ob-progress:info][25]] [[ob-progress:success,striped][50]] [[ob-progress:warning,striped,active][75]] [[ob-progress:danger][100]] #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML [[ob-progress:info][25]] [[ob-progress:success,striped][50]] [[ob-progress:warning,striped,active][75]] [[ob-progress:danger][100]] #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML ** Well Use the well as a simple effect on an element to give it an inset effect. #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_SRC text , #+begin_o_blog_well , Look, I'm in a well! , #+end_o_blog_well #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"well\"> #+END_HTML Look, I'm in a well! #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML " |
content-html | "<div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">Hero-unit</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+begin_o_blog_hero_unit</span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+HTML: <h1>Heading</h1> tagline #+BEGIN_HTML <a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-large\"> Learn more </a> </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+end_o_blog_hero_unit</span> </pre> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <div class=\"hero-unit\"> <h1>Heading</h1> <p> tagline </p> <a class=\"btn btn-primary btn-large\"> Learn more </a> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">页头设置</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+begin_o_blog_page_header</span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+HTML: <h1>Page header</h1> Some text </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+end_o_blog_page_header</span> </pre> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <div class=\"page-header\"> <h1>Page header</h1> <p> Some text </p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-3\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-3\">使用标注 (label)</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-3\"> <p> 标注及注释文本使用 <code>label:TYPE</code> 链接方式,其中的 <code>TYPE</code> 可取值为 <code>default</code>, <code>success</code>, <code>warning</code>, <code>important</code>, <code>info</code> 或 <code>reverse</code>. 链接的 URL 部分用作标 注文本。 </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> <pre class=\"src src-txt\">[[ob-label:default][Default]] [[ob-label:success][Success]] [[ob-label:warning][Warning]] [[ob-label:important][Important]] [[ob-label:info][Info]] [[ob-label:inverse][Inverse]] </pre> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <ul> <li><span class=\"label label-default\">Default</span> </li> <li><span class=\"label label-success\">Success</span> </li> <li><span class=\"label label-warning\">Warning</span> </li> <li><span class=\"label label-important\">Important</span> </li> <li><span class=\"label label-info\">Info</span> </li> <li><span class=\"label label-inverse\">Inverse</span> </li> </ul> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-4\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-4\">使用标记 (badges)</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-4\"> <p> 将提示及未读计数当作标注 (label), 使用链接前缀 <code>badge:TYPE</code>. </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> <pre class=\"src src-text\">[[ob-badge:default][Default]] [[ob-badge:success][Success]] [[ob-badge:warning][Warning]] [[ob-badge:important][Important]] [[ob-badge:info][Info]] [[ob-badge:inverse][Inverse]] </pre> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <ul> <li><span class=\"badge badge-default\">Default</span> </li> <li><span class=\"badge badge-success\">Success</span> </li> <li><span class=\"badge badge-warning\">Warning</span> </li> <li><span class=\"badge badge-important\">Important</span> </li> <li><span class=\"badge badge-info\">Info</span> </li> <li><span class=\"badge badge-inverse\">Inverse</span> </li> </ul> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-5\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-5\">使用进度条</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-5\"> <p> 用于载入、重定向或动作状态。使用链接前缀 <code>progress:TYPE</code>, 此处的 <code>TYPE</code> 可取 值 <code>info</code>, <code>success</code>, <code>warning</code> 或 <code>danger</code>. 额外的类 (<code>striped</code> 或 <code>active</code>) 可用逗号添加。 URL 为进度百分比。 </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> <pre class=\"src src-text\">[[ob-progress:info][25]] [[ob-progress:success,striped][50]] [[ob-progress:warning,striped,active][75]] [[ob-progress:danger][100]] </pre> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <p> <div class=\"progress progress-info\"><div class=\"bar\" style=\"width: 25%;\"></div></div> <div class=\"progress progress-success progress-striped\"><div class=\"bar\" style=\"width: 50%;\"></div></div> <div class=\"progress progress-warning progress-striped active\"><div class=\"bar\" style=\"width: 75%;\"></div></div> <div class=\"progress progress-danger\"><div class=\"bar\" style=\"width: 100%;\"></div></div> </p> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-6\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-6\">Well</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-6\"> <p> Use the well as a simple effect on an element to give it an inset effect. </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span7 \"> <pre class=\"src src-text\"> #+begin_o_blog_well , Look, I'm in a well! #+end_o_blog_well </pre> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <div class=\"well\"> <p> Look, I'm in a well! </p> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 4 |
title | "中文测试" |
timespamp | (20327 57688) |
year | 2012 |
month | 3 |
day | 20 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "中文" "a7bac2239fcdcb3a067903d8077c4a07" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/03" |
filename | "use-chinese" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/03/20_use-chinese.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil 这是一个测试条目哟。 博客页面的文件名默认使用 =ob-sanitize-string= 从标题生成, 这样会导致中文标题的博文无法正常生成。因此,对于中文博客,需要在你的 *org* 文档头中添加 : #+FILENAME_SANITIZER: md5 另外的一个办法就是在文件头添加一段你自己定义的 =emacs-lisp= 代码,比如: : #+begin_example : #+NAME: my-sanitizer : #+begin_src emacs-lisp : (defun el-sanitizer(s) : \"Sanitize string S\" : (if (equal (ob-sanitize-string s) \"\") : (md5 s) : (ob-sanitize-string s))) : #+end_src : : #+CALL: my-sanitizer() : #+FILENAME_SANITIZER: el-sanitizer : #+end_example 打开文件后,你需要先将光标移动到 =#+CALL:= 那一行并执行 =C-c C-c=, 然后再执行 =org-publish-blog= 即可。 - 待办事项 这儿列举了一些中文处理中的问题。具体的解决参见 [[github:exaos/o-blog]]. 1. [X] 中文文件名无法正常生成 * 现在,使用 =#+FILENAME_SANITIZER: md5= 生成默认为 =YYYY/MM/DD_(MD5).html= 的文件名。 * 或者在每个条目下添加属性 =CUSTOM_ID=, 生成为 =YYYY/MM/DD_(CUSTOM_ID).html= 形式的文件名。 2. [X] 博客设置中的 =Copyright=, =About= 及 =Navigation= 等 =SNIPPET= 不能用中文的问题。 3. [X] 多语言模版支持。你需要在文件头中定义 =#+LANGUAGE: zh=, 然后在 =templates/zh= 目录下放置需要翻译成中文的模版文件即可" |
content-html | "<p> 这是一个测试条目哟。 </p> <p> 博客页面的文件名默认使用 <code>ob-sanitize-string</code> 从标题生成, 这样会导致中文标题的博文无法正常生成。因此,对于中文博客,需要在你的 <b>org</b> 文档头中添加 </p><pre class=\"example\"> #+FILENAME_SANITIZER: md5 </pre> <p> 另外的一个办法就是在文件头添加一段你自己定义的 <code>emacs-lisp</code> 代码,比如: </p><pre class=\"example\"> #+begin_example #+NAME: my-sanitizer #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun el-sanitizer(s) \"Sanitize string S\" (if (equal (ob-sanitize-string s) \"\") (md5 s) (ob-sanitize-string s))) #+end_src #+CALL: my-sanitizer() #+FILENAME_SANITIZER: el-sanitizer #+end_example </pre> <p>打开文件后,你需要先将光标移动到 <code>#+CALL:</code> 那一行并执行 <code>C-c C-c</code>, 然后再执行 <code>org-publish-blog</code> 即可。 </p> <ul> <li>待办事项 这儿列举了一些中文处理中的问题。具体的解决参见 <a href=\"#github-exaos-o-blog\">github:exaos/o-blog</a>. <ol> <li><code>[X]</code> 中文文件名无法正常生成 <ul> <li>现在,使用 <code>#+FILENAME_SANITIZER: md5</code> 生成默认为 <code>YYYY/MM/DD_(MD5).html</code> 的文件名。 </li> <li>或者在每个条目下添加属性 <code>CUSTOM_ID</code>, 生成为 <code>YYYY/MM/DD_(CUSTOM_ID).html</code> 形式的文件名。 </li> </ul> </li> <li><code>[X]</code> 博客设置中的 <code>Copyright</code>, <code>About</code> 及 <code>Navigation</code> 等 <code>SNIPPET</code> 不能用中文的问题。 </li> <li><code>[X]</code> 多语言模版支持。你需要在文件头中定义 <code>#+LANGUAGE: zh</code>, 然后在 <code>templates/zh</code> 目录下放置需要翻译成中文的模版文件即可 </li> </ol> </li> </ul> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 5 |
title | "使用 Bootstrap 分格" |
timespamp | (20276 4) |
year | 2012 |
month | 2 |
day | 10 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "Bootstrap" "bootstrap" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/02" |
filename | "use-bootstrap" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/02/10_use-bootstrap.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil [[http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html][Bootstrap scaffolding]] could be defined using both =#+begin_o_blog_row= and =#+end_o_blog_row= directives (or =<og= =TAB= shortcut). A new column could be started using =#+o_blog_row_column= single directive (or =<ogr= =TAB= shortcut). #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row show-grid\"><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML *Example* #+begin_src org ,#+begin_o_blog_row 2 -1 show-grid ,Column 1 ,#+o_blog_row_column 2 ,Column 2 ,#+end_o_blog_row #+end_src #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML *Output* #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row show-grid\"><div class=\"span2 offset1\"> #+END_HTML Column 1 #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span2 \"> #+END_HTML Column 2 #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML The syntax is: #+begin_src org ,#+begin_o_blog_row SPAN OFFSET GRID-CLASS ,Column 1 ,#+o_blog_row_column SPAN OFFSET ,Column 2 ,... ,#+o_blog_row_column SPAN OFFSET ,Column n ,#+end_o_blog_row #+end_src " |
content-html | "<p> <a href=\"http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html\">Bootstrap scaffolding</a> could be defined using both <code>#+begin_o_blog_row</code> and <code>#+end_o_blog_row</code> directives (or <code><og</code> <code>TAB</code> shortcut). A new column could be started using <code>#+o_blog_row_column</code> single directive (or <code><ogr</code> <code>TAB</code> shortcut). </p> <div class=\"row show-grid\"><div class=\"span6 \"> <p> <b>Example</b> </p> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+begin_o_blog_row 2 -1 show-grid</span> Column 1 #+o_blog_row_column 2 Column 2 <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+end_o_blog_row</span> </pre> </div><div class=\"span6 \"> <p> <b>Output</b> </p> <div class=\"row show-grid\"><div class=\"span2 offset1\"> <p> Column 1 </p> </div><div class=\"span2 \"> <p> Column 2 </p> </div></div> </div></div> <p> The syntax is: </p> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+begin_o_blog_row SPAN OFFSET GRID-CLASS</span> Column 1 #+o_blog_row_column SPAN OFFSET Column 2 ... #+o_blog_row_column SPAN OFFSET Column n <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+end_o_blog_row</span> </pre> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 6 |
title | "添加图标" |
timespamp | (20275 61940) |
year | 2012 |
month | 2 |
day | 10 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "Bootstrap" "bootstrap" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/02" |
filename | "add-icons" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/02/10_add-icons.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil Icons from [[http://glyphicons.com/][glyphicons]] are supported support by simply naming the icon using italic style: #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML *Source example* #+begin_src org ,/icon-calendar/ calendar #+end_src #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML *Rendered output* /icon-calendar/ calendar #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML This could also be used for the top /navbar/ using something like: #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML *Source example* #+begin_src org ,- [[#][/icon-book icon-white/ Documentation]] , - [[file:../../../templates.html][Templates]] , - [[file:../../../structures.html][Structures]] , - [[file:../../../functions.html][Functions]] , - , - [[file:../../../faq.html][FAQ]] ,- [[#][/icon-file icon-white/ Blog]] , - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-function format%20"%25s/%25s"%20)][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] , - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] , - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] , - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] , - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] ,- [[file:../../../tags/index.html][/icon-tags icon-white/ Tags]] #+end_src #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML *Rendered output* #+begin_html <div class=\"navbar\"> <div class=\"navbar-inner\"> <div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"nav-collapse\"> #+end_html - [[#][/icon-book icon-white/ Documentation]] - [[file:../../../templates.html][Templates]] - [[file:../../../structures.html][Structures]] - [[file:../../../functions.html][Functions]] - - [[file:../../../faq.html][FAQ]] - [[#][/icon-file icon-white/ Blog]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-function format%20"%25s/%25s"%20)][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:../../../tags/index.html][/icon-tags icon-white/ Tags]] #+begin_html </div> </div> </div> </div> #+end_html Please note the blank line between menu items. if blanks are omitted, the rendered result might be damaged. #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML " |
content-html | "<p> Icons from <a href=\"http://glyphicons.com/\">glyphicons</a> are supported support by simply naming the icon using italic style: </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span6 \"> <p> <b>Source example</b> </p> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">/icon-calendar/</span> calendar </pre> </div><div class=\"span6 \"> <p> <b>Rendered output</b> </p> <p> <i>icon-calendar</i> calendar </p> </div></div> <p> This could also be used for the top <i>navbar</i> using something like: </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span6 \"> <p> <b>Source example</b> </p> <pre class=\"src src-org\">- <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">/icon-book icon-white/ Documentation</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Templates</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Structures</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Functions</span> - - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">FAQ</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">/icon-file icon-white/ Blog</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff;\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</span> - <span style=\"color: #0000ff; font-style: italic;\">/icon-tags icon-white/</span><span style=\"color: #0000ff;\"> Tags</span> </pre> </div><div class=\"span6 \"> <p> <b>Rendered output</b> </p> <div class=\"navbar\"> <div class=\"navbar-inner\"> <div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"nav-collapse\"> <ul> <li><a href=\"#\"><i>icon-book icon-white</i> Documentation</a> <ul> <li><a href=\"../../../templates.html\">Templates</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../structures.html\">Structures</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../functions.html\">Functions</a> </li> <li> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../faq.html\">FAQ</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href=\"#\"><i>icon-file icon-white</i> Blog</a> <ul> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../tags/index.html\"><i>icon-tags icon-white</i> Tags</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p> Please note the blank line between menu items. if blanks are omitted, the rendered result might be damaged. </p> </div></div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 7 |
title | "使用 modal 显示源代码" |
timespamp | (20275 57980) |
year | 2012 |
month | 2 |
day | 9 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "Bootstrap" "bootstrap" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/02" |
filename | "use-modal" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/02/09_use-modal.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil The [[http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals][Modal]] bootstrap script can be used to display the content of an external file in a modal window. The magic line is: #+begin_src org ,#+O_BLOG_SOURCE: path/to/file [mode] #+end_src The /org template shorcut/ is =<os= =TAB=. Two parameters might be used: - The mandatory =/path/to/file= which is the path to the file from which content should be read. - The optional =mode= which could be determined by if omitted. 这是显示 =README-zh.md= 文件的示例: #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"o-blog-source\"><a class=\"btn btn-info\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#readme-zhmd\" ><i class=\"icon-file icon-white\"></i> README-zh.md</a></div><div class=\"modal fade hide\" id=\"readme-zhmd\"><div class=\"modal-header\"><a class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">×</a><h3>README-zh.md</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><pre> <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\"># o-blog 快速入门</span> <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span>如何使用 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[o-blog]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(https://github.com/renard/o-blog)</span>. <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[英文演示站点]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://renard.github.com/o-blog)</span>. <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[中文演示站点]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://exaos.github.com/o-blog)</span>. <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">## 快速入门指南</span> 开始之前,你需要有: <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[emacs]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http:www.gnu.org/s/emacs)</span> (假设你已经有了) <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[org-mode]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://orgmode.org/)</span> (同上) 如果没有这些程序,你应该先安装好它们。 <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">### 设置</span> #### 使用 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`el-get`</span> 如果你使用 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[el-get]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(https://github.com/dimitri/el-get)</span>, 安装很容易。你只需要将 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`o-blog`</span> 添加到 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`el-get-sources`</span> 中,然后执行 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`M-x el-get-install o-blog`</span>. 如果你的 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`el-get`</span> 版本为 4 或以上,你只需要执行: <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`M-x el-get-install o-blog`</span>. <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">#### 手动设置</span> 首先从 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[Github]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://github.com)</span> 克隆这个 <span style=\"color: #eedd82; font-style: italic;\">*git*</span> 源码仓库。 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> cd ~/.emacs.d git clone <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">https://github.com/renard/o-blog.git</span> <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> 将后面的代码添加到你的 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`~/.emacs.d/init.el`</span> 文件中: <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> (add-to-list 'load-path \"~/.emacs.d/o-blog\") (require 'o-blog) <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">### 发布</span> 打开文件 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`~/.emacs.d/o-blog/example/sample.org`</span> 然后执行 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`M-x org-publish-blog`</span>. 生成的站点将会自动发布在 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`~/.emacs.d/o-blog/out`</span> 目录下。 然后,详情参见 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`example/out/blog/index.html`</span> 及 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`example/out/todo.html`</span>. </pre></div></div> #+END_HTML 这是显示 elisp 代码的示例: #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"o-blog-source\"><a class=\"btn btn-info\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#sample-initel\" ><i class=\"icon-file icon-white\"></i> sample-init.el</a></div><div class=\"modal fade hide\" id=\"sample-initel\"><div class=\"modal-header\"><a class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">×</a><h3>sample-init.el</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><pre> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">sample-init.el --- sample init file to be used to debug o-blog </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Copyright © 2012 Sébastien Gross <seb•ɑƬ•chezwam•ɖɵʈ•org> </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Author: Sébastien Gross <seb•ɑƬ•chezwam•ɖɵʈ•org> </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Keywords: emacs, </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Created: 2012-03-20 </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Last changed: 2012-03-26 16:36:31 </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Commentary: </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Code: </span> (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">defun</span> <span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">ob-build-sample</span> () (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">let*</span> ((d default-directory) (sample (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/o-blog/example/sample.org\"</span> d)) (debugger (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">lambda</span> (<span style=\"color: #98fb98;\">&rest</span> debugger-args) (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">let*</span> ((trace (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">with-temp-buffer</span> (insert (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">with-output-to-string</span> (backtrace))) (beginning-of-buffer) <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">error begins on line 16 </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">line stats with \" signal(error ...\" </span> (goto-line 16) (goto-char (point-at-bol)) <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Remove null chars </span> (replace-regexp-in-string (char-to-string 0) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"^@\"</span> (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))) (o-blog-bug-report trace)))) (debug-on-error t) print-length print-level) (add-to-list 'load-path (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp\"</span> d)) (add-to-list 'load-path (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/org-mode/contrib/lisp\"</span> d)) (add-to-list 'load-path (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/o-blog\"</span> d)) (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">require</span> '<span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">o-blog</span>) (print (concat (emacs-version) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"\\n\"</span> (org-version) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"\\n\"</span> (o-blog-version) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"\\n\"</span>)) (find-file sample) (org-publish-blog sample) (kill-emacs))) </pre></div></div> #+END_HTML " |
content-html | "<p> The <a href=\"http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals\">Modal</a> bootstrap script can be used to display the content of an external file in a modal window. The magic line is: </p> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+O_BLOG_SOURCE: path/to/file [mode]</span> </pre> <p> The <i>org template shorcut</i> is <code><os</code> <code>TAB</code>. Two parameters might be used: </p><ul> <li>The mandatory <code>/path/to/file</code> which is the path to the file from which content should be read. </li> <li>The optional <code>mode</code> which could be determined by if omitted. </li> </ul> <p> 这是显示 <code>README-zh.md</code> 文件的示例: </p> <div class=\"o-blog-source\"><a class=\"btn btn-info\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#readme-zhmd\" ><i class=\"icon-file icon-white\"></i> README-zh.md</a></div><div class=\"modal fade hide\" id=\"readme-zhmd\"><div class=\"modal-header\"><a class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">×</a><h3>README-zh.md</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><pre> <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\"># o-blog 快速入门</span> <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span>如何使用 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[o-blog]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(https://github.com/renard/o-blog)</span>. <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[英文演示站点]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://renard.github.com/o-blog)</span>. <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[中文演示站点]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://exaos.github.com/o-blog)</span>. <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">## 快速入门指南</span> 开始之前,你需要有: <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[emacs]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http:www.gnu.org/s/emacs)</span> (假设你已经有了) <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">- </span><span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[org-mode]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://orgmode.org/)</span> (同上) 如果没有这些程序,你应该先安装好它们。 <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">### 设置</span> #### 使用 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`el-get`</span> 如果你使用 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[el-get]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(https://github.com/dimitri/el-get)</span>, 安装很容易。你只需要将 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`o-blog`</span> 添加到 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`el-get-sources`</span> 中,然后执行 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`M-x el-get-install o-blog`</span>. 如果你的 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`el-get`</span> 版本为 4 或以上,你只需要执行: <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`M-x el-get-install o-blog`</span>. <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">#### 手动设置</span> 首先从 <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">[Github]</span><span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">(http://github.com)</span> 克隆这个 <span style=\"color: #eedd82; font-style: italic;\">*git*</span> 源码仓库。 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> cd ~/.emacs.d git clone <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">https://github.com/renard/o-blog.git</span> <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> 将后面的代码添加到你的 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`~/.emacs.d/init.el`</span> 文件中: <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> (add-to-list 'load-path \"~/.emacs.d/o-blog\") (require 'o-blog) <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">```</span> <span style=\"color: #87cefa; font-weight: bold;\">### 发布</span> 打开文件 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`~/.emacs.d/o-blog/example/sample.org`</span> 然后执行 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`M-x org-publish-blog`</span>. 生成的站点将会自动发布在 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`~/.emacs.d/o-blog/out`</span> 目录下。 然后,详情参见 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`example/out/blog/index.html`</span> 及 <span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">`example/out/todo.html`</span>. </pre></div></div> <p> 这是显示 elisp 代码的示例: </p> <div class=\"o-blog-source\"><a class=\"btn btn-info\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#sample-initel\" ><i class=\"icon-file icon-white\"></i> sample-init.el</a></div><div class=\"modal fade hide\" id=\"sample-initel\"><div class=\"modal-header\"><a class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">×</a><h3>sample-init.el</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><pre> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">sample-init.el --- sample init file to be used to debug o-blog </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Copyright © 2012 Sébastien Gross <seb•ɑƬ•chezwam•ɖɵʈ•org> </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Author: Sébastien Gross <seb•ɑƬ•chezwam•ɖɵʈ•org> </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Keywords: emacs, </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Created: 2012-03-20 </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Last changed: 2012-03-26 16:36:31 </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Licence: WTFPL, grab your copy here: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Commentary: </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Code: </span> (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">defun</span> <span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">ob-build-sample</span> () (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">let*</span> ((d default-directory) (sample (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/o-blog/example/sample.org\"</span> d)) (debugger (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">lambda</span> (<span style=\"color: #98fb98;\">&rest</span> debugger-args) (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">let*</span> ((trace (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">with-temp-buffer</span> (insert (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">with-output-to-string</span> (backtrace))) (beginning-of-buffer) <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">error begins on line 16 </span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">line stats with \" signal(error ...\" </span> (goto-line 16) (goto-char (point-at-bol)) <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">Remove null chars </span> (replace-regexp-in-string (char-to-string 0) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"^@\"</span> (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))) (o-blog-bug-report trace)))) (debug-on-error t) print-length print-level) (add-to-list 'load-path (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp\"</span> d)) (add-to-list 'load-path (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/org-mode/contrib/lisp\"</span> d)) (add-to-list 'load-path (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%s/.emacs.d/o-blog\"</span> d)) (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">require</span> '<span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">o-blog</span>) (print (concat (emacs-version) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"\\n\"</span> (org-version) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"\\n\"</span> (o-blog-version) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"\\n\"</span>)) (find-file sample) (org-publish-blog sample) (kill-emacs))) </pre></div></div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 8 |
title | "警告" |
timespamp | (20242 51488) |
year | 2012 |
month | 1 |
day | 15 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/01" |
filename | "warning" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/01/15_warning.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil Alerts are declared in =o_blog_alert= blocks. There are 4 types of them: - info - success - warning - error #+begin_src org ,#+begin_o_blog_alert <TYPE> <title> ,Text of the alert ,#+end_o_blog_alert #+end_src #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"alert alert-error\"><p class=\"alert-heading\"></p> #+END_HTML Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"alert alert-error\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Danger</p> #+END_HTML Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"alert alert-warning\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Caution</p> #+END_HTML Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"alert alert-success\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Tip</p> #+END_HTML Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"alert alert-info\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Information</p> #+END_HTML Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML " |
content-html | "<p> Alerts are declared in <code>o_blog_alert</code> blocks. There are 4 types of them: </p> <ul> <li>info </li> <li>success </li> <li>warning </li> <li>error </li> </ul> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+begin_o_blog_alert <TYPE> <title></span> Text of the alert <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+end_o_blog_alert</span> </pre> <div class=\"alert alert-error\"><p class=\"alert-heading\"></p> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </p> </div> <div class=\"alert alert-error\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Danger</p> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </p> </div> <div class=\"alert alert-warning\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Caution</p> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </p> </div> <div class=\"alert alert-success\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Tip</p> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </p> </div> <div class=\"alert alert-info\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Information</p> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </p> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 9 |
title | "一些 HTML5 示例" |
timespamp | (20236 13784) |
year | 2012 |
month | 1 |
day | 10 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "html 5" "html-5" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/01" |
filename | "html5-example" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/01/10_html5-example.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil ** tag: <details> Works only with chrome. #+HTML: <details> #+HTML: <summary>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit</summary> - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. - Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. - Sed diam. - Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+HTML: </details> #+begin_src org ,#+HTML: <details> ,#+HTML: <summary>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit</summary> ,- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. ,- Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. ,- Sed diam. ,- Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. ,#+HTML: </details> #+end_src " |
content-html | "<div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">tag: <details></h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <p> Works only with chrome. </p> <details> <summary>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit</summary> <ul> <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. </li> <li>Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. </li> <li>Sed diam. </li> <li>Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </li> </ul> </details> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+HTML:</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span><span style=\"color: #7f7f7f;\"><details></span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+HTML:</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span><span style=\"color: #7f7f7f;\"><summary>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit</summary></span> - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. - Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. - Sed diam. - Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+HTML:</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span><span style=\"color: #7f7f7f;\"></details></span> </pre> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 10 |
title | "一些 org 语法示例" |
timespamp | (20231 47764) |
year | 2012 |
month | 1 |
day | 7 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "org" "org" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/01" |
filename | "syntax-org-mode" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil ** Titles This is a level 1 *** Level 2 This is a level 2 **** Level 3 This is a level 3 ***** Level 4 This is a level 4 ****** Level 5 This is a level 5 ******* Level 6 This is a level 6 Up to 6 levels of indentation could be used. ** Praragaphs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+html: <div class=\"two-cols\"> Nullam eu ante vel est convallis dignissim. Fusce suscipit, wisi nec facilisis facilisis, est dui fermentum leo, quis tempor ligula erat quis odio. Nunc porta vulputate tellus. Nunc rutrum turpis sed pede. Sed bibendum. Aliquam posuere. Nunc aliquet, augue nec adipiscing interdum, lacus tellus malesuada massa, quis varius mi purus non odio. Pellentesque condimentum, magna ut suscipit hendrerit, ipsum augue ornare nulla, non luctus diam neque sit amet urna. Curabitur vulputate vestibulum lorem. Fusce sagittis, libero non molestie mollis, magna orci ultrices dolor, at vulputate neque nulla lacinia eros. Sed id ligula quis est convallis tempor. Curabitur lacinia pulvinar nibh. Nam a sapien. Pellentesque dapibus suscipit ligula. Donec posuere augue in quam. Etiam vel tortor sodales tellus ultricies commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean in sem ac leo mollis blandit. Donec neque quam, dignissim in, mollis nec, sagittis eu, wisi. Phasellus lacus. Etiam laoreet quam sed arcu. Phasellus at dui in ligula mollis ultricies. Integer placerat tristique nisl. Praesent augue. Fusce commodo. Vestibulum convallis, lorem a tempus semper, dui dui euismod elit, vitae placerat urna tortor vitae lacus. Nullam libero mauris, consequat quis, varius et, dictum id, arcu. Mauris mollis tincidunt felis. Aliquam feugiat tellus ut neque. Nulla facilisis, risus a rhoncus fermentum, tellus tellus lacinia purus, et dictum nunc justo sit amet elit. #+html: </div> #+begin_verse Great clouds overhead Tiny black birds rise and fall Snow covers Emacs -- AlexSchroeder #+end_verse #+begin_quote Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler -- Albert Einstein #+end_quote #+BEGIN_CENTER Everything should be made as simple as possible, \\\\ but not any simpler #+END_CENTER ** Lists As taken from org manual: My favorite scenes are (in this order) 1. The attack of the Rohirrim 2. Eowyn's fight with the witch king + this was already my favorite scene in the book + I really like Miranda Otto. 3. Peter Jackson being shot by Legolas - on DVD only He makes a really funny face when it happens. But in the end, no individual scenes matter but the film as a whole. Important actors in this film are: - Elijah Wood :: He plays Frodo - Sean Austin :: He plays Sam, Frodo's friend. I still remember him very well from his role as Mikey Walsh in The Goonies. ** Footnotes The Org homepage[fn:1] now looks a lot better than it used to. [fn:1] The link is: http://orgmode.org ** Emphasis and monospace You can make words *bold*, /italic/, _underlined_, =code= and ~verbatim~, and, if you must, ‘+strike-through+’. Text in the code and verbatim string is not processed for Org mode specific syntax; it is exported verbatim. ** Horizontal rules A line consisting of only dashes, and at least 5 of them, will be exported as a horizontal line (‘<hr/>’ in HTML and \\hrule in LaTeX). ------ As shown previously. ** Comment lines Lines starting with ‘#’ in column zero are treated as comments and will never be exported. If you want an indented line to be treated as a comment, start it with ‘#+ ’. Also entire subtrees starting with the word ‘COMMENT’ will never be exported. Finally, regions surrounded by ‘#+BEGIN\\_COMMENT’ ... ‘#+END\\_COMMENT’ will not be exported. #+begin_comment C-c ; Toggle the COMMENT keyword at the beginning of an entry. #+end_comment ** Images and Tables Table #+CAPTION: This is the caption for the next table (or link) #+LABEL: tbl:basic-data |----------+----------+----------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | Header 5 | |----------+----------+----------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | X | This /cell/ has a *very* =long= ~line~ _with_ _{special} ^{layouts} | | 2.1 | 2.2 | 3.3 | Y | | |----------+----------+----------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------| | 3.1 | 3.1 | C.1 | D.1 | E.1 | |----------+----------+----------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------| Image #+CAPTION: This is the caption for the next figure link (or table) #+LABEL: fig:SED-HR4049 [[file:../../../tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode/200px-Org-mode-unicorn.svg.png][file:../../../tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode/org-mode-unicorn.png]] ** Literal examples #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE Some example from a text file. #+END_EXAMPLE Here is an example : Some example from a text file. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun org-xor (a b) \"Exclusive or.\" (if a (not b) b)) #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp -n -r (save-excursion (ref:sc) (goto-char (point-min))) (ref:jump) #+END_SRC In line [[(sc)]] we remember the current position. [[(jump)][Line (jump)]] jumps to point-min. ** Special symbols Angles are written as Greek letters \\alpha, \\beta and \\gamma. ** Subscripts and superscripts The mass of the sun is M_sun = 1.989 x 10^30 kg. The radius of the sun is R_{sun} = 6.96 x 10^8 m. ** links - outsite (page): [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog][/o-blog/ home]]. - [[Creating a blog]] - insite (file): [[file:o-blog.el]] - in page (anchor): [[Literal examples]]" |
content-html | "<div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">Titles</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <p> This is a level 1 </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-1-1\">Level 2</h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-1-1\"> <p> This is a level 2 </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-1-1\" class=\"outline-5\"> <h5 id=\"sec-1-1-1\">Level 3</h5> <div class=\"outline-text-5\" id=\"text-1-1-1\"> <p> This is a level 3 </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-1-1-1\" class=\"outline-6\"> <h6 id=\"sec-1-1-1-1\">Level 4</h6> <div class=\"outline-text-6\" id=\"text-1-1-1-1\"> <p> This is a level 4 </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-1-1-1-1\" class=\"outline-7\"> <h7 id=\"sec-1-1-1-1-1\">Level 5</h7> <div class=\"outline-text-7\" id=\"text-1-1-1-1-1\"> <p> This is a level 5 </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-1-1-1-1-1\" class=\"outline-8\"> <h8 id=\"sec-1-1-1-1-1-1\">Level 6</h8> <div class=\"outline-text-8\" id=\"text-1-1-1-1-1-1\"> <p> This is a level 6 </p> <p> Up to 6 levels of indentation could be used. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">Praragaphs</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </p> <div class=\"two-cols\"> <p> Nullam eu ante vel est convallis dignissim. Fusce suscipit, wisi nec facilisis facilisis, est dui fermentum leo, quis tempor ligula erat quis odio. Nunc porta vulputate tellus. Nunc rutrum turpis sed pede. Sed bibendum. Aliquam posuere. Nunc aliquet, augue nec adipiscing interdum, lacus tellus malesuada massa, quis varius mi purus non odio. Pellentesque condimentum, magna ut suscipit hendrerit, ipsum augue ornare nulla, non luctus diam neque sit amet urna. Curabitur vulputate vestibulum lorem. Fusce sagittis, libero non molestie mollis, magna orci ultrices dolor, at vulputate neque nulla lacinia eros. Sed id ligula quis est convallis tempor. Curabitur lacinia pulvinar nibh. Nam a sapien. </p> <p> Pellentesque dapibus suscipit ligula. Donec posuere augue in quam. Etiam vel tortor sodales tellus ultricies commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean in sem ac leo mollis blandit. Donec neque quam, dignissim in, mollis nec, sagittis eu, wisi. Phasellus lacus. Etiam laoreet quam sed arcu. Phasellus at dui in ligula mollis ultricies. Integer placerat tristique nisl. Praesent augue. Fusce commodo. Vestibulum convallis, lorem a tempus semper, dui dui euismod elit, vitae placerat urna tortor vitae lacus. Nullam libero mauris, consequat quis, varius et, dictum id, arcu. Mauris mollis tincidunt felis. Aliquam feugiat tellus ut neque. Nulla facilisis, risus a rhoncus fermentum, tellus tellus lacinia purus, et dictum nunc justo sit amet elit. </p> </div> <p class=\"verse\"> Great clouds overhead<br/> Tiny black birds rise and fall<br/> Snow covers Emacs<br/> <br/> – AlexSchroeder<br/> </p> <blockquote> <p>Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler – Albert Einstein </p> </blockquote> <div style=\"text-align: center\"> <p>Everything should be made as simple as possible, <br/> but not any simpler </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-3\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-3\">Lists</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-3\"> <p> As taken from org manual: </p> <p> My favorite scenes are (in this order) </p><ol> <li>The attack of the Rohirrim </li> <li>Eowyn's fight with the witch king <ul> <li>this was already my favorite scene in the book </li> <li>I really like Miranda Otto. </li> </ul> </li> <li>Peter Jackson being shot by Legolas <ul> <li>on DVD only </li> </ul> <p> He makes a really funny face when it happens. </p></li> </ol> <p>But in the end, no individual scenes matter but the film as a whole. Important actors in this film are: </p><dl> <dt>Elijah Wood</dt><dd>He plays Frodo </dd> <dt>Sean Austin</dt><dd>He plays Sam, Frodo's friend. I still remember him very well from his role as Mikey Walsh in The Goonies. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-4\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-4\">Footnotes</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-4\"> <p> The Org homepage<sup><a class=\"footref\" name=\"fnr.1\" href=\"#fn.1\">1</a></sup> now looks a lot better than it used to. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-5\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-5\">Emphasis and monospace</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-5\"> <p> You can make words <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>, <span style=\"text-decoration:underline;\">underlined</span>, <code>code</code> and <code>verbatim</code>, and, if you must, ‘+strike-through+’. Text in the code and verbatim string is not processed for Org mode specific syntax; it is exported verbatim. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-6\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-6\">Horizontal rules</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-6\"> <p> A line consisting of only dashes, and at least 5 of them, will be exported as a horizontal line (‘<hr/>’ in HTML and \\hrule in LaTeX). </p> <hr/> <p> As shown previously. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-7\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-7\">Comment lines</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-7\"> <p> Lines starting with ‘#’ in column zero are treated as comments and will never be exported. If you want an indented line to be treated as a comment, start it with ‘#+ ’. Also entire subtrees starting with the word ‘COMMENT’ will never be exported. Finally, regions surrounded by ‘#+BEGIN_COMMENT’ … ‘#+END_COMMENT’ will not be exported. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-8\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-8\">Images and Tables</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-8\"> <p> Table </p> <table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\" id=\"tbl-basic-data\"> <caption>This is the caption for the next table (or link)</caption> <colgroup><col class=\"right\" /><col class=\"right\" /><col class=\"left\" /><col class=\"left\" /><col class=\"left\" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr><th scope=\"col\" class=\"right\">Header 1</th><th scope=\"col\" class=\"right\">Header 2</th><th scope=\"col\" class=\"left\">Header 3</th><th scope=\"col\" class=\"left\">Header 4</th><th scope=\"col\" class=\"left\">Header 5</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td class=\"right\">1.1</td><td class=\"right\">1.2</td><td class=\"left\">1.3</td><td class=\"left\">X</td><td class=\"left\">This <i>cell</i> has a <b>very</b> <code>long</code> <code>line</code> <span style=\"text-decoration:underline;\">with</span> <sub>special</sub> <sup>layouts</sup></td></tr> <tr><td class=\"right\">2.1</td><td class=\"right\">2.2</td><td class=\"left\">3.3</td><td class=\"left\">Y</td><td class=\"left\"></td></tr> </tbody> <tbody> <tr><td class=\"right\">3.1</td><td class=\"right\">3.1</td><td class=\"left\">C.1</td><td class=\"left\">D.1</td><td class=\"left\">E.1</td></tr> </tbody> </table> <p> Image </p> <p> <a href=\"../../../tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode/200px-Org-mode-unicorn.svg.png\"><img src=\"../../../tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode/org-mode-unicorn.png\" alt=\"org-mode-unicorn.png\"/></a> </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-9\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-9\">Literal examples</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-9\"> <pre class=\"example\">Some example from a text file. </pre> <p> Here is an example </p><pre class=\"example\"> Some example from a text file. </pre> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">(<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">defun</span> <span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">org-xor</span> (a b) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"Exclusive or.\"</span> (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">if</span> a (not b) b)) </pre> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\"><span id=\"coderef-sc\" class=\"coderef-off\"><span class=\"linenr\">1: </span>(<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">save-excursion</span></span> <span id=\"coderef-jump\" class=\"coderef-off\"><span class=\"linenr\">2: </span> (goto-char (point-min)))</span> </pre> <p> In line <a href=\"#coderef-sc\" class=\"coderef\" onmouseover=\"CodeHighlightOn(this, 'coderef-sc');\" onmouseout=\"CodeHighlightOff(this, 'coderef-sc');\">1</a> we remember the current position. <a href=\"#coderef-jump\" class=\"coderef\" onmouseover=\"CodeHighlightOn(this, 'coderef-jump');\" onmouseout=\"CodeHighlightOff(this, 'coderef-jump');\">Line 2</a> jumps to point-min. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-10\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-10\">Special symbols</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-10\"> <p> Angles are written as Greek letters α, β and γ. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-11\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-11\">Subscripts and superscripts</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-11\"> <p> The mass of the sun is M<sub>sun</sub> = 1.989 x 10<sup>30</sup> kg. The radius of the sun is R<sub>sun</sub> = 6.96 x 10<sup>8</sup> m. </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-12\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-12\">links</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-12\"> <ul> <li>outsite (page): <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog\"><i>o-blog</i> home</a>. </li> <li><a href=\"#Creating-a-blog\">Creating a blog</a> </li> <li>insite (file): <a href=\"o-blog.el\">o-blog.el</a> </li> <li>in page (anchor): <a href=\"#sec-9\">Literal examples</a> </li> </ul> <div id=\"footnotes\"> <h2 class=\"footnotes\">Footnotes: </h2> <div id=\"text-footnotes\"> <p class=\"footnote\"><sup><a class=\"footnum\" name=\"fn.1\" href=\"#fnr.1\">1</a></sup> The link is: <a href=\"http://orgmode.org\">http://orgmode.org</a> </p></div> </div> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 11 |
title | "如何使用标签" |
timespamp | (20231 8464) |
year | 2012 |
month | 1 |
day | 7 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "o-blog" "o-blog" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/01" |
filename | "use-tags" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/01/07_use-tags.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil Tags are useful to classify articles. They are stored as [[http://orgmode.org/manual/Tags.html][org-mode tags]] for each entries. To add or modify a tag for a post, just use =C-c C-c= and enter the tag value. If an article has more than one tag, separate them by a colon (=:=). Special characters used in tags: - At sign (=@=) is converted to a dash (=-=). - Underscore (=_=) is converted to a blank (= =). " |
content-html | "<p> Tags are useful to classify articles. They are stored as <a href=\"http://orgmode.org/manual/Tags.html\">org-mode tags</a> for each entries. To add or modify a tag for a post, just use <code>C-c C-c</code> and enter the tag value. </p> <p> If an article has more than one tag, separate them by a colon (<code>:</code>). </p> <p> Special characters used in tags: </p> <ul> <li>At sign (<code>@</code>) is converted to a dash (<code>-</code>). </li> <li>Underscore (<code>_</code>) is converted to a blank (<code> </code>). </li> </ul> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 12 |
title | "创建一个博客条目" |
timespamp | (20231 7564) |
year | 2012 |
month | 1 |
day | 7 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | ([cl-struct-ob:tags "用例" "a0b1dd52a1c893aa52b103dad9aa9d59" nil nil] [cl-struct-ob:tags "o-blog" "o-blog" nil nil]) |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/01" |
filename | "create-new-post" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/01/07_create-new-post.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil A blog consists of org entries. Each entry has a title, some properties and some text. Exporting a blog means publishing all entries with a =DONE= =TODO=. A minimal blog file could be something like: #+begin_src org ,#+TITLE: Lorem ipsum ,#+DESCRIPTION: dolor sit amet ,#+DATE: ,#+STARTUP: logdone ,#+URL: http://blog.example.com ,* DONE Lorem ipsum , CLOSED: [2012-01-07 Sat 00:13] , :PROPERTIES: , :tags: Lorem , :END: , Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit , tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt , et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et , magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec , vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan , nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. #+end_src Please note the blank line between the properties section and the text itself. Use =#+STARTUP: logdone= to automatically add a time stamp when closing an entry. " |
content-html | "<p> A blog consists of org entries. Each entry has a title, some properties and some text. Exporting a blog means publishing all entries with a <code>DONE</code> <code>TODO</code>. </p> <p> A minimal blog file could be something like: </p> <pre class=\"src src-org\"><span style=\"color: #7f7f7f;\">#+TITLE:</span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\"> </span><span style=\"color: #191970; font-size: 144%;\">Lorem ipsum</span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+DESCRIPTION: dolor sit amet</span> <span style=\"color: #7f7f7f;\">#+DATE:</span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+STARTUP: logdone</span> <span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">#+URL: http://blog.example.com</span> <span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">* </span><span style=\"color: #228b22;\">DONE</span><span style=\"color: #87cefa;\"> Lorem ipsum</span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">CLOSED:</span> <span style=\"color: #a020f0;\">[2012-01-07 Sat 00:13]</span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\"> :PROPERTIES:</span> <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">:tags:</span> Lorem <span style=\"color: #00ffff;\"> :END:</span> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. </pre> <p> Please note the blank line between the properties section and the text itself. </p> <p> Use <code>#+STARTUP: logdone</code> to automatically add a time stamp when closing an entry. </p>" |
属性 | 值 |
id | 0 |
title | "快速入门指南" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static_no_title.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "index" |
htmlfile | "index.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span8 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"hero-unit\"> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <h1>o-blog</h1> 使用 [[http://orgmode.org/][org-mode]] 的独立博客系统。 #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <h1 style=\"font-size: 500%;\">Quick start guide</h1> #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span4 \"> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <div class=\"hero-unit\" style=\"font-size: 200%;\"> [[file:./features.html][/icon-cog icon-white/ 特性]] [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog][/icon-github-sign icon-white/ GitHub]] [[file:./testimonials.html][/icon-comments-alt icon-white/ 用户推荐]] [[file:./changelog.html][/icon-pencil icon-white/ 更新记录]] [[file:./bug-report.html][/icon-fire icon-white/ Bug report]] #+HTML: </div> #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML ** 设置 首先,你需要安装有 [[http://www.gnu.org/s/emacs][emacs]] (在版本 24 下测试,在 23 下可能也行) 和 [[http://orgmode.org/][org-mode]] (在版本 7.8.09 下测试,其它的 /可能/ 也行)。然后你有两种方法可以安装 [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog][o-blog]]. #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span5 \"> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <h4>使用 el-get</h4> 要使用 [[https://github.com/dimitri/el-get][el-get]], 安装起来很容易。你所要做的不过是将 =o-blog= 添加到 =el-get-sources= 中,然后执行: =M-x el-get-install o-blog= 如果你使用 =el-get= 4 或更高,你只需要执行: =M-x el-get-install o-blog= #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML #+html: <h4>手动安装</h4> 首先从 [[http://github.com][Github]] 克隆 /git/ 仓库源码。 #+begin_src bash cd ~/.emacs.d git clone https://github.com/renard/o-blog.git #+end_src 将如下内容添加到你的 =~/.emacs.d/init.el= 文件中: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path \"~/.emacs.d/o-blog\") (require 'o-blog) #+end_src #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML ** 发布博文 打开文件 =~/.emacs.d/o-blog/example/sample.org= 然后执行 =M-x org-publish-blog=. 输出的站点默认保存在 =~/.emacs.d/o-blog/out=. 详情参见 [[file:tips/index.html][tips]]. " |
content-html | "<div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span8 \"> <div class=\"hero-unit\"> <h1>o-blog</h1> <p> 使用 <a href=\"http://orgmode.org/\">org-mode</a> 的独立博客系统。 </p> </div> <h1 style=\"font-size: 500%;\">Quick start guide</h1> </div><div class=\"span4 \"> <div class=\"hero-unit\" style=\"font-size: 200%;\"> <p> <a href=\"./features.html\"><i>icon-cog icon-white</i> 特性</a> </p> <p> <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog\"><i>icon-github-sign icon-white</i> GitHub</a> </p> <p> <a href=\"./testimonials.html\"><i>icon-comments-alt icon-white</i> 用户推荐</a> </p> <p> <a href=\"./changelog.html\"><i>icon-pencil icon-white</i> 更新记录</a> </p> <p> <a href=\"./bug-report.html\"><i>icon-fire icon-white</i> Bug report</a> </p> </div> </div></div> <div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">设置</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <p> 首先,你需要安装有 <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/s/emacs\">emacs</a> (在版本 24 下测试,在 23 下可能也行) 和 <a href=\"http://orgmode.org/\">org-mode</a> (在版本 7.8.09 下测试,其它的 <i>可能</i> 也行)。然后你有两种方法可以安装 <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog\">o-blog</a>. </p> <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span5 \"> <h4>使用 el-get</h4> <p> 要使用 <a href=\"https://github.com/dimitri/el-get\">el-get</a>, 安装起来很容易。你所要做的不过是将 <code>o-blog</code> 添加到 <code>el-get-sources</code> 中,然后执行: </p> <p> <code>M-x el-get-install o-blog</code> </p> <p> 如果你使用 <code>el-get</code> 4 或更高,你只需要执行: </p> <p> <code>M-x el-get-install o-blog</code> </p> </div><div class=\"span6 \"> <h4>手动安装</h4> <p> 首先从 <a href=\"http://github.com\">Github</a> 克隆 <i>git</i> 仓库源码。 </p> <pre class=\"src src-bash\">cd ~/.emacs.d git clone https://github.com/renard/o-blog.git </pre> <p> 将如下内容添加到你的 <code>~/.emacs.d/init.el</code> 文件中: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">(add-to-list 'load-path <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"~/.emacs.d/o-blog\"</span>) (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">require</span> '<span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">o-blog</span>) </pre> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">发布博文</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <p> 打开文件 <code>~/.emacs.d/o-blog/example/sample.org</code> 然后执行 <code>M-x org-publish-blog</code>. 输出的站点默认保存在 <code>~/.emacs.d/o-blog/out</code>. </p> <p> 详情参见 <a href=\"tips/index.html\">tips</a>. </p></div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 1 |
title | "Articles by tags" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "博客设置" "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_post-by-tags.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "tags" |
htmlfile | "tags.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil " |
content-html | " " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 2 |
title | "更新记录" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "changelog" |
htmlfile | "changelog.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil - 2012-06-21 - 添加发布排序选项。 - 2012-06-05 - 更新模版 - Font-Awesome 2.0.0-6-g35fca03 - bootstrap 2.0.4 - 2012-05-21 - 使用应答式 bootstrap 功能。 - 2012-05-07 - 更新模版: - less.js v1.0-547-ga2df119 - Bootstrap 插件: - label - badge - progress bar - well - page header - hero unit - 2012-05-04 - 更新风格模版: - bootstrap v2.0.3-5-gb261f97. - 2012-04-17 - 更新风格模版: - less 1.3.0. - Font-Awesome v1.0.0-7-g563a6f3. - bootstrap v2.0.2-3-g6506ede. - 2012-04-10 - 添加多国语言 (i18n) 支持。 - 2012-04-06 - 添加 org-mode 的 CUSTOM\\_ID 支持。 - 2012-03-28 - 添加 [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code][QR-code]] 二维标识码支持。 - 2012-03-21 - 合并上述代码,更新中文演示模版,修改 snippet 为中文。 - 添加 Disqus 中文讨论。 - 2012-03-20 - Add [[http://disqus.com][Disqus]] support. - User can select the file name sanitizer function. - Add [[file:./bug-report.html][bug report howto]]. - 2012-03-19 - 使用 MD5SUM 作为 tags-safe 及 post filename, 解决中文名称的问题 (exaos) - 2012-03-06 - 支持 Font-Awesome - 2012-02-28 - 切换到 bootstrap 2.0.1 - 切换到 lesscss 1.2.2 - 2012-01-23 - 切换标签系统由 \"Tags\" 到 org 标签系统。 " |
content-html | "<ul> <li>2012-06-21 <ul> <li>添加发布排序选项。 </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-06-05 <ul> <li>更新模版 <ul> <li>Font-Awesome 2.0.0-6-g35fca03 </li> <li>bootstrap 2.0.4 </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-05-21 <ul> <li>使用应答式 bootstrap 功能。 </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-05-07 <ul> <li>更新模版: <ul> <li>less.js v1.0-547-ga2df119 </li> </ul> </li> <li>Bootstrap 插件: <ul> <li>label </li> <li>badge </li> <li>progress bar </li> <li>well </li> <li>page header </li> <li>hero unit </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-05-04 <ul> <li>更新风格模版: <ul> <li>bootstrap v2.0.3-5-gb261f97. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-04-17 <ul> <li>更新风格模版: <ul> <li>less 1.3.0. </li> <li>Font-Awesome v1.0.0-7-g563a6f3. </li> <li>bootstrap v2.0.2-3-g6506ede. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-04-10 <ul> <li>添加多国语言 (i18n) 支持。 </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-04-06 <ul> <li>添加 org-mode 的 CUSTOM_ID 支持。 </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-03-28 <ul> <li>添加 <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code\">QR-code</a> 二维标识码支持。 </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-03-21 <ul> <li>合并上述代码,更新中文演示模版,修改 snippet 为中文。 </li> <li>添加 Disqus 中文讨论。 </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-03-20 <ul> <li>Add <a href=\"http://disqus.com\">Disqus</a> support. </li> <li>User can select the file name sanitizer function. </li> <li>Add <a href=\"./bug-report.html\">bug report howto</a>. </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-03-19 <ul> <li>使用 MD5SUM 作为 tags-safe 及 post filename, 解决中文名称的问题 (exaos) </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-03-06 <ul> <li>支持 Font-Awesome </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-02-28 <ul> <li>切换到 bootstrap 2.0.1 </li> <li>切换到 lesscss 1.2.2 </li> </ul> </li> <li>2012-01-23 <ul> <li>切换标签系统由 \"Tags\" 到 org 标签系统。 </li> </ul> </li> </ul> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 3 |
title | "调试" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "debug.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "debug" |
htmlfile | "debug.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil " |
content-html | " " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 4 |
title | "特性" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "features" |
htmlfile | "features.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil - 外观 - 带[[file:./debug.html][调试功能]]的动态模版系统 (使用 lisp 函数), 方便嵌入 [[file:./bug-report.html][错误报告工具]] - 输出的代码片断带有语法加亮 - 支持 [[http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/][bootstrap]] - 支持 [[http://fortaweso.me/font-awesome/][Font-Awesome]] - 支持 [[http://lesscss.org/][lesscss]] - 支持 [[http://jquery.com/][JQuery]] - 支持 HTML5 / CSS3 - 博客 - 静态页面 - [[file:./tags/index.html][云标签]] - 多个博客 - [[file:./archives.html][博文归档]] - 支持 [[http://disqus.com][Disqus]] - 支持 [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code][QR code]] - 博文发布 - 同时支持同步与异步发布 - 直接发布到网站服务器上 (通过 tramp) - [[http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/][Bootstrap]] 额外功能 - 警告框 - 支持图标 ([[http://glyphicons.com/][glyphicons]]) " |
content-html | "<ul> <li>外观 <ul> <li>带<a href=\"./debug.html\">调试功能</a>的动态模版系统 (使用 lisp 函数), 方便嵌入 <a href=\"./bug-report.html\">错误报告工具</a> </li> <li>输出的代码片断带有语法加亮 </li> <li>支持 <a href=\"http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/\">bootstrap</a> </li> <li>支持 <a href=\"http://fortaweso.me/font-awesome/\">Font-Awesome</a> </li> <li>支持 <a href=\"http://lesscss.org/\">lesscss</a> </li> <li>支持 <a href=\"http://jquery.com/\">JQuery</a> </li> <li>支持 HTML5 / CSS3 </li> </ul> </li> <li>博客 <ul> <li>静态页面 </li> <li><a href=\"./tags/index.html\">云标签</a> </li> <li>多个博客 </li> <li><a href=\"./archives.html\">博文归档</a> </li> <li>支持 <a href=\"http://disqus.com\">Disqus</a> </li> <li>支持 <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code\">QR code</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li>博文发布 <ul> <li>同时支持同步与异步发布 </li> <li>直接发布到网站服务器上 (通过 tramp) </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href=\"http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/\">Bootstrap</a> 额外功能 <ul> <li>警告框 </li> <li>支持图标 (<a href=\"http://glyphicons.com/\">glyphicons</a>) </li> </ul> </li> </ul> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 5 |
title | "模版" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "templates" |
htmlfile | "templates.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil 在 [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog][o-blog]] 导出过程中占重头戏的是模版,一组 HTML 的文件。可解析的 Lisp 源码以 =<lisp>= 标签嵌入其中。 #+begin_src html <h1><lisp>(ob:blog-title BLOG)</lisp></h1> #+end_src 上面的代码片断可导出为如下类似的内容: #+begin_src html <h1>o-blog</h1> #+end_src #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"alert alert-info\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Information</p> #+END_HTML 如果不需要其它模版, [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog][o-blog]] 只用以 =blog_= 打头的模版文件就够了(通过函数 =ob:insert-template= )。 所有其它的模版只是为了方便而定义。 #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML ** 必要的模版 =blog_= 打头的模版。 - =blog_static.html=: 导出任何静态页面 (函数 =ob-write-static=). - =blog_post.html=: 导出一篇博文 (函数 =ob-write-posts=). - =blog_tags.html=: 导出云标签页面 (函数 =ob-write-tags=). - =blog_tags-detail.html=: 导出匹配特定标签的页面 (函数 =ob-write-tags=). - =blog_archive.html=: 导出全部归档 (所有类别、所有年、所有月) 页面 (函数 =ob-write-index=). - =blog_rss.html=: 导出 RSS 订阅 (函数 =ob-write-index=). - =blog_index_month.html= 导出指定月的索引页面 (函数 =ob-write-index=). - =blog_index_year.html= 导出指定月的索引页面 (函数 =ob-write-index=). - =blog_index_catery.html= 导出指定类别的索引页面 (函数 =ob-write-index=). ** 索引模版 以 =index_= 打头的模版。它们使用所有的 =blog_index_*.html= 模版来生成一组匹配指定类别、年、月和全部归档的文章列表。 - =index_archives.html= - =index_category.html= - =index_month.html= - =index_year.html= ** 导航模版 以 =nav_= 开头的模版用于生成导航片断: - =nav_links.html=: 用于生成用于页首和页尾的的导航菜单。 - =nav_tag-cloud.html=: 用于生成页尾的云标签。 ** 页面模版 以 =page_= 开头的模版用于生成 HTML 的页头及页尾。 " |
content-html | "<p> 在 <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog\">o-blog</a> 导出过程中占重头戏的是模版,一组 HTML 的文件。可解析的 Lisp 源码以 <code><lisp></code> 标签嵌入其中。 </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>>(ob:blog-title BLOG)</<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>></<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>> </pre> <p> 上面的代码片断可导出为如下类似的内容: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>><span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\">o-blog</span></<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>> </pre> <div class=\"alert alert-info\"><p class=\"alert-heading\">Information</p> <p> 如果不需要其它模版, <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog\">o-blog</a> 只用以 <code>blog_</code> 打头的模版文件就够了(通过函数 <code>ob:insert-template</code> )。 </p> <p> 所有其它的模版只是为了方便而定义。 </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">必要的模版</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <p> <code>blog_</code> 打头的模版。 </p> <ul> <li><code>blog_static.html</code>: 导出任何静态页面 (函数 <code>ob-write-static</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_post.html</code>: 导出一篇博文 (函数 <code>ob-write-posts</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_tags.html</code>: 导出云标签页面 (函数 <code>ob-write-tags</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_tags-detail.html</code>: 导出匹配特定标签的页面 (函数 <code>ob-write-tags</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_archive.html</code>: 导出全部归档 (所有类别、所有年、所有月) 页面 (函数 <code>ob-write-index</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_rss.html</code>: 导出 RSS 订阅 (函数 <code>ob-write-index</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_index_month.html</code> 导出指定月的索引页面 (函数 <code>ob-write-index</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_index_year.html</code> 导出指定月的索引页面 (函数 <code>ob-write-index</code>). </li> <li><code>blog_index_catery.html</code> 导出指定类别的索引页面 (函数 <code>ob-write-index</code>). </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">索引模版</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <p> 以 <code>index_</code> 打头的模版。它们使用所有的 <code>blog_index_*.html</code> 模版来生成一组匹配指定类别、年、月和全部归档的文章列表。 </p> <ul> <li><code>index_archives.html</code> </li> <li><code>index_category.html</code> </li> <li><code>index_month.html</code> </li> <li><code>index_year.html</code> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-3\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-3\">导航模版</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-3\"> <p> 以 <code>nav_</code> 开头的模版用于生成导航片断: </p> <ul> <li><code>nav_links.html</code>: 用于生成用于页首和页尾的的导航菜单。 </li> <li><code>nav_tag-cloud.html</code>: 用于生成页尾的云标签。 </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-4\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-4\">页面模版</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-4\"> <p> 以 <code>page_</code> 开头的模版用于生成 HTML 的页头及页尾。 </p> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 6 |
title | "结构" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "structures" |
htmlfile | "structures.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil Some variables are available when publishing lisp parts of templates. These variables are defined using [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/cl/Structures.html][defstruct]], then any slot (or property) is available using a =(type-slot variable)= form. ** 文档结构 *** Structures: =ob:blog= Structure used to define a blog: - =file=: the blog source file (read-only). - =buffer=: buffer visiting the blog file (read-only). - =publish-dir=: where to publish the blog defined by the =#+PUBLISH_DIR:= header directive or =out= in the same directory as the blog source file. - =template-dir=: location of the template directory defined by the =#+TEMPLATE_DIR:= header directive or the =templates= directory of the =o-blog= library. - =style-dir=: path of the /css/ files defined by the =#STYLE_DIR:= header directive or =style=. This directory is relative to =template-dir=. - =posts-filter=: default filter for post defined by the =#POSTS_FILTER:= header directive or =+TODO={DONE}=. - =static-filter=: default filter for static pages defined by the =#STATIC_FILTER:= header directive or =+PAGES={.*}=. - =snippet-filter= default filter for snippets defined by the =#SNIPPET_FILTER:= header directive or =+SNIPPET={.*}=. - =title=: Blog title defined by the =#+TITLE:= header directive. - =description=: blog description defined by the =#+DESCRIPTION:= header directive. - =url=: Blog base URL defined by the =#+URL:= header. - =default-category=: default category for posts defined by the =#DEFAULT_CATEGORY:= header or =Blog=. - =disqus=: [[http://docs.disqus.com/developers/universal/][disqus]] account (called a forum on [[http://disqus.com][Disqus]]) this system belongs to. Defined by the \\\"#DISQUS\\\" header. - =filename-sanitizer=: 1-argument function to be used to sanitize post filenames. Defined by =#+FILENAME_SANITIZER:= or =ob-sanitize-string=. Example: #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; get the title of the current blog defined in variable BLOG. (ob:blog-title BLOG) #+end_src *** Structures: =ob:post= - =id=: the post numerical id. Posts are sort by reversed chronological order. The most recent post get the id 0. - =title=: the post title read from the entry title. - =timestamp=: the post timestamp given by the =CLOSED= property or the current time. - =year=: numerical year computed from =timestamp=. - =month=: numerical month computed from =timestamp=. - =day=: numerical day computed from =timestamp=. - =category=: category read from =CATEGORY= property org =blog=. - =tags=: list of =ob:tags=. - =template=: template to use for current post read from =TEMPLATE= property or =blog_post.html=. - =filepath=: relative path from the blog root directory to the post directory (directory only). - =filename=: sanitized filename generated from =title=. - =htmlfile=: full relative path to the post html file (file and directory). - =path-to-root=: relative path from the post html file to the blog root. - =content=: raw content of the post (org-mode format). - =content-html=: HTML export of the post. Example: #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; get the HTML content of the post defined in variable POST. (ob:post-content-html POST) #+end_src *** Structures: =ob:tags= Structure used to define a tag: - =name=: string defying the tag name. - =safe=: web safe tag name for URL. - =count=: how many time the tag is used. - =size=: the font size in percent. Example: #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; get the name of the tag defined in variable TAG. (ob:tags-name TAG) #+end_src ** 变量 Following variables are always available when publishing a blog: - =BLOG= (=ob:blog=): information about the blog being published. - =POSTS= (list of =ob:post=): list of all posts of the blog or restricted list of posts (depending what is exported). - =ALL-POSTS=: A copy of =POSTS= except this *always* contents all the posts from the blog. - =STATIC= (list of =ob:post=): list of static pages. - =SNIPPETS= (list of =ob:post=): list of snippets pages. - =TAGS= (list of =ob:tags=): list of all tags. Some variables may be defined in some functions: - =POST= (=ob:post=): post (or static page) being currently published. - =TAG= (=ob:tags=): tag being currently published. - =CATEGORY= (=string=): the category being published. - =YEAR=, =MONTH (=integer=): the year and month being published. - =PATH-TO-ROOT= (=string=): (intern use only, use =ob:path-to-root= instead) path to blog root used by =ob:path-to-root=. " |
content-html | "<p> Some variables are available when publishing lisp parts of templates. These variables are defined using <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/cl/Structures.html\">defstruct</a>, then any slot (or property) is available using a <code>(type-slot variable)</code> form. </p> <div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">文档结构</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-1-1\">Structures: <code>ob:blog</code></h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-1-1\"> <p> Structure used to define a blog: </p> <ul> <li><code>file</code>: the blog source file (read-only). </li> <li><code>buffer</code>: buffer visiting the blog file (read-only). </li> <li><code>publish-dir</code>: where to publish the blog defined by the <code>#+PUBLISH_DIR:</code> header directive or <code>out</code> in the same directory as the blog source file. </li> <li><code>template-dir</code>: location of the template directory defined by the <code>#+TEMPLATE_DIR:</code> header directive or the <code>templates</code> directory of the <code>o-blog</code> library. </li> <li><code>style-dir</code>: path of the <i>css</i> files defined by the <code>#STYLE_DIR:</code> header directive or <code>style</code>. This directory is relative to <code>template-dir</code>. </li> <li><code>posts-filter</code>: default filter for post defined by the <code>#POSTS_FILTER:</code> header directive or <code>+TODO={DONE}</code>. </li> <li><code>static-filter</code>: default filter for static pages defined by the <code>#STATIC_FILTER:</code> header directive or <code>+PAGES={.*}</code>. </li> <li><code>snippet-filter</code> default filter for snippets defined by the <code>#SNIPPET_FILTER:</code> header directive or <code>+SNIPPET={.*}</code>. </li> <li><code>title</code>: Blog title defined by the <code>#+TITLE:</code> header directive. </li> <li><code>description</code>: blog description defined by the <code>#+DESCRIPTION:</code> header directive. </li> <li><code>url</code>: Blog base URL defined by the <code>#+URL:</code> header. </li> <li><code>default-category</code>: default category for posts defined by the <code>#DEFAULT_CATEGORY:</code> header or <code>Blog</code>. </li> <li><code>disqus</code>: <a href=\"http://docs.disqus.com/developers/universal/\">disqus</a> account (called a forum on <a href=\"http://disqus.com\">Disqus</a>) this system belongs to. Defined by the \\\"#DISQUS\\\" header. </li> <li><code>filename-sanitizer</code>: 1-argument function to be used to sanitize post filenames. Defined by <code>#+FILENAME_SANITIZER:</code> or <code>ob-sanitize-string</code>. </li> </ul> <p> Example: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">get the title of the current blog defined in variable BLOG.</span> (ob:blog-title BLOG) </pre> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-2\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-1-2\">Structures: <code>ob:post</code></h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-1-2\"> <ul> <li><code>id</code>: the post numerical id. Posts are sort by reversed chronological order. The most recent post get the id 0. </li> <li><code>title</code>: the post title read from the entry title. </li> <li><code>timestamp</code>: the post timestamp given by the <code>CLOSED</code> property or the current time. </li> <li><code>year</code>: numerical year computed from <code>timestamp</code>. </li> <li><code>month</code>: numerical month computed from <code>timestamp</code>. </li> <li><code>day</code>: numerical day computed from <code>timestamp</code>. </li> <li><code>category</code>: category read from <code>CATEGORY</code> property org <code>blog</code>. </li> <li><code>tags</code>: list of <code>ob:tags</code>. </li> <li><code>template</code>: template to use for current post read from <code>TEMPLATE</code> property or <code>blog_post.html</code>. </li> <li><code>filepath</code>: relative path from the blog root directory to the post directory (directory only). </li> <li><code>filename</code>: sanitized filename generated from <code>title</code>. </li> <li><code>htmlfile</code>: full relative path to the post html file (file and directory). </li> <li><code>path-to-root</code>: relative path from the post html file to the blog root. </li> <li><code>content</code>: raw content of the post (org-mode format). </li> <li><code>content-html</code>: HTML export of the post. </li> </ul> <p> Example: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">get the HTML content of the post defined in variable POST.</span> (ob:post-content-html POST) </pre> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-3\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-1-3\">Structures: <code>ob:tags</code></h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-1-3\"> <p> Structure used to define a tag: </p> <ul> <li><code>name</code>: string defying the tag name. </li> <li><code>safe</code>: web safe tag name for URL. </li> <li><code>count</code>: how many time the tag is used. </li> <li><code>size</code>: the font size in percent. </li> </ul> <p> Example: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\"><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">;; </span><span style=\"color: #ff4500;\">get the name of the tag defined in variable TAG.</span> (ob:tags-name TAG) </pre> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">变量</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <p> Following variables are always available when publishing a blog: </p> <ul> <li><code>BLOG</code> (<code>ob:blog</code>): information about the blog being published. </li> <li><code>POSTS</code> (list of <code>ob:post</code>): list of all posts of the blog or restricted list of posts (depending what is exported). </li> <li><code>ALL-POSTS</code>: A copy of <code>POSTS</code> except this <b>always</b> contents all the posts from the blog. </li> <li><code>STATIC</code> (list of <code>ob:post</code>): list of static pages. </li> <li><code>SNIPPETS</code> (list of <code>ob:post</code>): list of snippets pages. </li> <li><code>TAGS</code> (list of <code>ob:tags</code>): list of all tags. </li> </ul> <p> Some variables may be defined in some functions: </p> <ul> <li><code>POST</code> (<code>ob:post</code>): post (or static page) being currently published. </li> <li><code>TAG</code> (<code>ob:tags</code>): tag being currently published. </li> <li><code>CATEGORY</code> (<code>string</code>): the category being published. </li> <li><code>YEAR</code>, <code>MONTH (=integer</code>): the year and month being published. </li> <li><code>PATH-TO-ROOT</code> (<code>string</code>): (intern use only, use <code>ob:path-to-root</code> instead) path to blog root used by <code>ob:path-to-root</code>. </li> </ul> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 7 |
title | "函数" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "functions" |
htmlfile | "functions.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil Basically any lisp function could be used withing a blog template as long as they are known when exporting. Meanwhile some of them are specifically made to be used withing templates. These functions are prefixed by =ob:=. Descriptions are taken from function docstrings. ** Function: =(ob:get-posts &optional PREDICATE COUNT SORTFUNC COLLECT)= Return posts (from =POSTS= as defined in =org-publish-blog=) matching =PREDICATE=. Limit to =COUNT= results if defined and sorted using =SORTFUNC=. =PREDICATE= is a function run for each post with the post itself as argument. If =PREDICATE= is nil, no filter would be done on posts. =SORTFUNC= is used a =sort= =PREDICATE=. If =COLLECT= is defined, only returns the =COLLECT= field of a =ob:post= structure. Examples: Getting last 10 posts: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (ob:get-posts nil 10) #+end_src Getting post from January 2012: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (ob:get-posts (lambda (x) (and (= 2012 (ob:post-year x)) (= 1 (ob:post-month x))))) #+end_src Getting all categories: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (ob:get-posts nil nil nil 'category) #+end_src *** Template usages For archive navigation: #+begin_src html <nav id=\"archives\"> <h1>Archives</h1> <ul> <lisp> (loop for p in (ob:get-posts nil 10) do (insert (format \"<li><a href=\\\"%s/%s\\\">%s</a></li> \" (ob:path-to-root) (ob:post-htmlfile p) (ob:post-title p)))) </lisp> </ul> </nav> #+end_src ** Function: =(ob:get-post-by-id ID)= Return post which id is =ID=. *** Template usages Posts navigation: #+begin_src html <nav class=\"articles-nav\"> <ul> <lisp> (progn ;; Get previous post (let ((ppost (ob:get-post-by-id (1+ (ob:post-id POST))))) (if ppost (insert (format \"<li class=\\\"prev\\\"><a href=\\\"%s/%s\\\">%s</a></li>\" (ob:path-to-root) (ob:post-htmlfile ppost) (ob:post-title ppost))) (insert \"<li> </li>\"))) ;; Get next post (let ((npost (ob:get-post-by-id (1- (ob:post-id POST))))) (if npost (insert (format \"<li class=\\\"next\\\"><a href=\\\"%s/%s\\\">%s</a></li>\" (ob:path-to-root) (ob:post-htmlfile npost) (ob:post-title npost))) (insert \"<li> </li>\")))) </lisp> </ul> </nav> #+end_src ** Function: =(ob:get-snippet NAME)= Get first snippet matching =NAME=. *** Template usages Insert the /About/ section in page footer: #+begin_src html <h1>About</h1> <address> <lisp>(ob:post-content-html (ob:get-snippet \"About\"))</lisp> </address> #+end_src ** Function: =(ob:get-header HEADER &optional ALL)= Get =HEADER= from blog buffer as defined in =BLOG= global context variable. Returns only fist match except if =ALL= is defined. *** Template usages Get the last updated header for rss export: #+begin_src html <updated><lisp>(ob:format-date (ob:get-header \"DATE\"))</lisp></updated> #+end_src ** Function: =(ob:insert-template TEMPLATE)= Insert =TEMPLATE= in current buffer. *** Template usages Insert html header: #+begin_src html <lisp>(ob:insert-template \"page_header.html\")</lisp> #+end_src ** Function: =(ob:format-date DATE &optional FORMAT LOCALE)= Format =DATE= using =FORMAT= and =LOCALE=. =DATE= can heither be string suitable for =parse-time-string= or a list of interger using =current-time= format. =FORMAT= is a =format-time-string= compatible definition. If not set ISO8601 =%Y-%m-%dT%TZ= format would be used. *** Template usages Add a human readable timestamp for a post: #+begin_src html Posted on <time datetime=\"<lisp> (ob:format-date (ob:post-timestamp POST)) </lisp>\"> <lisp> (ob:format-date (ob:post-timestamp POST) \"%A %B, %d %Y at %H:%M:%S\") </lisp> </time>. #+end_src " |
content-html | "<p> Basically any lisp function could be used withing a blog template as long as they are known when exporting. Meanwhile some of them are specifically made to be used withing templates. These functions are prefixed by <code>ob:</code>. </p> <p> Descriptions are taken from function docstrings. </p> <div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">Function: <code>(ob:get-posts &optional PREDICATE COUNT SORTFUNC COLLECT)</code></h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <p> Return posts (from <code>POSTS</code> as defined in <code>org-publish-blog</code>) matching <code>PREDICATE</code>. Limit to <code>COUNT</code> results if defined and sorted using <code>SORTFUNC</code>. </p> <p> <code>PREDICATE</code> is a function run for each post with the post itself as argument. If <code>PREDICATE</code> is nil, no filter would be done on posts. </p> <p> <code>SORTFUNC</code> is used a <code>sort</code> <code>PREDICATE</code>. </p> <p> If <code>COLLECT</code> is defined, only returns the <code>COLLECT</code> field of a <code>ob:post</code> structure. </p> <p> Examples: </p> <p> Getting last 10 posts: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">(ob:get-posts nil 10) </pre> <p> Getting post from January 2012: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">(ob:get-posts (<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">lambda</span> (x) (and (= 2012 (ob:post-year x)) (= 1 (ob:post-month x))))) </pre> <p> Getting all categories: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">(ob:get-posts nil nil nil 'category) </pre> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-1-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-1-1\">Template usages</h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-1-1\"> <p> For archive navigation: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">nav</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">id</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"archives\"</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>><span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\">Archives</span></<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">ul</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> (loop for p in (ob:get-posts nil 10) do (insert (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"<li><a href=\\\"</span><span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">%s</span>/<span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">%s</span>\\<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\">%s</a></li> \"</span> (ob:path-to-root) (ob:post-htmlfile p) (ob:post-title p)))) </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">ul</span>> </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">nav</span>> </pre> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">Function: <code>(ob:get-post-by-id ID)</code></h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <p> Return post which id is <code>ID</code>. </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-2-1\">Template usages</h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-2-1\"> <p> Posts navigation: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">nav</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">class</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"articles-nav\"</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">ul</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> (progn ;; Get previous post (let ((ppost (ob:get-post-by-id (1+ (ob:post-id POST))))) (if ppost (insert (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"<li class=\\\"</span>prev\\<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"><a href=\\\"</span><span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">%s</span>/<span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">%s</span>\\<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\">%s</a></li>\"</span> (ob:path-to-root) (ob:post-htmlfile ppost) (ob:post-title ppost))) (insert <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"<li>&nbsp;</li>\"</span>))) ;; Get next post (let ((npost (ob:get-post-by-id (1- (ob:post-id POST))))) (if npost (insert (format <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"<li class=\\\"</span>next\\<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"><a href=\\\"</span><span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">%s</span>/<span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">%s</span>\\<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\">%s</a></li>\"</span> (ob:path-to-root) (ob:post-htmlfile npost) (ob:post-title npost))) (insert <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"<li>&nbsp;</li>\"</span>)))) </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">ul</span>> </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">nav</span>> </pre> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-3\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-3\">Function: <code>(ob:get-snippet NAME)</code></h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-3\"> <p> Get first snippet matching <code>NAME</code>. </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-3-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-3-1\">Template usages</h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-3-1\"> <p> Insert the <i>About</i> section in page footer: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>><span style=\"font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;\">About</span></<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">h1</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">address</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>>(ob:post-content-html (ob:get-snippet <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"About\"</span>))</<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">address</span>> </pre> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-4\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-4\">Function: <code>(ob:get-header HEADER &optional ALL)</code></h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-4\"> <p> Get <code>HEADER</code> from blog buffer as defined in <code>BLOG</code> global context variable. </p> <p> Returns only fist match except if <code>ALL</code> is defined. </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-4-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-4-1\">Template usages</h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-4-1\"> <p> Get the last updated header for rss export: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">updated</span>><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>>(ob:format-date (ob:get-header <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"DATE\"</span>))</<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>></<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">updated</span>> </pre> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-5\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-5\">Function: <code>(ob:insert-template TEMPLATE)</code></h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-5\"> <p> Insert <code>TEMPLATE</code> in current buffer. </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-5-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-5-1\">Template usages</h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-5-1\"> <p> Insert html header: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\"><<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>>(ob:insert-template <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"page_header.html\"</span>)</<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> </pre> </div> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-6\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-6\">Function: <code>(ob:format-date DATE &optional FORMAT LOCALE)</code></h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-6\"> <p> Format <code>DATE</code> using <code>FORMAT</code> and <code>LOCALE</code>. </p> <p> <code>DATE</code> can heither be string suitable for <code>parse-time-string</code> or a list of interger using <code>current-time</code> format. </p> <p> <code>FORMAT</code> is a <code>format-time-string</code> compatible definition. If not set ISO8601 <code>%Y-%m-%dT%TZ</code> format would be used. </p> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-6-1\" class=\"outline-4\"> <h4 id=\"sec-6-1\">Template usages</h4> <div class=\"outline-text-4\" id=\"text-6-1\"> <p> Add a human readable timestamp for a post: </p> <pre class=\"src src-html\">Posted on <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">time</span> <span style=\"color: #eedd82;\">datetime</span>=<span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"<lisp> (ob:format-date (ob:post-timestamp POST)) </lisp>\"</span>> <<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> (ob:format-date (ob:post-timestamp POST) <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"%A %B, %d %Y at %H:%M:%S\"</span>) </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">lisp</span>> </<span style=\"color: #87cefa;\">time</span>>. </pre> </div> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 8 |
title | "报告软件臭虫 (BUG)" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "bug-report" |
htmlfile | "bug-report.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil To report a bug please be sure your issue is =o-blog= related. You can bootstrap a simple clean environment #+begin_src sh rm -rf ~/dev/.emacs.d mkdir -p ~/dev/.emacs.d cd ~/dev/.emacs.d git clone git://github.com/renard/o-blog.git git clone git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git #+end_src Then launch =emacs=: #+begin_src sh cd ~/dev rm -rf .emacs.d/o-blog/example/out emacs --debug-init -Q -l .emacs.d/o-blog/sample-init.el --eval \\ '(progn (setq browse-url-generic-program \"x-www-browser\" browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-generic)) (ob-build-sample))' #+end_src You can change =x-www-browser= to your favorite browser. If anything runs fine emacs would exit normally. Otherwise a buffer called =o-blog Bug-report= is created and its content is copied to primary X selection (if available). This buffer contains useful information for debugging your issue. A browser is launch to the [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog/issues/new][o-blog new issue page]]. You can either paste content of the =o-blog Bug-report= buffer or the X primary selection (middle click). Please describe as much as possible your issue (in English). do no hesitate to paste your blog file to https://gist.github.com/ this might be useful to debug. " |
content-html | "<p> To report a bug please be sure your issue is <code>o-blog</code> related. </p> <p> You can bootstrap a simple clean environment </p> <pre class=\"src src-sh\">rm -rf ~/dev/.emacs.d mkdir -p ~/dev/.emacs.d <span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">cd</span> ~/dev/.emacs.d git clone git://github.com/renard/o-blog.git git clone git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git </pre> <p> Then launch <code>emacs</code>: </p> <pre class=\"src src-sh\"><span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">cd</span> ~/dev rm -rf .emacs.d/o-blog/example/out emacs --debug-init -Q -l .emacs.d/o-blog/sample-init.el --eval <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\\</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'(progn (setq browse-url-generic-program \"x-www-browser\"</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\"> browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-generic))</span> <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\"> (ob-build-sample))'</span> </pre> <p> You can change <code>x-www-browser</code> to your favorite browser. </p> <p> If anything runs fine emacs would exit normally. Otherwise a buffer called <code>o-blog Bug-report</code> is created and its content is copied to primary X selection (if available). This buffer contains useful information for debugging your issue. A browser is launch to the <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog/issues/new\">o-blog new issue page</a>. You can either paste content of the <code>o-blog Bug-report</code> buffer or the X primary selection (middle click). </p> <p> Please describe as much as possible your issue (in English). do no hesitate to paste your blog file to <a href=\"https://gist.github.com/\">https://gist.github.com/</a> this might be useful to debug. </p> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 9 |
title | "用户推荐" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static_no_title.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "testimonials" |
htmlfile | "testimonials.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <h1>用户推荐</h1> #+begin_quote /“o-blog, great static site generator from emacs Org-mode.”/ -- Pierre-Yves Ritschard [[https://twitter.com/pyr/status/160466727195521024][@pyr]] ([[http://openbds.org][OpenBSD]] relayd original author) -- Sergey Konoplev [[http://twitter.com/gray_hemp][@gray\\_hemp]] ([[http://PostgreSQL-Consulting.com][PostgreSQL Consultant]]) -- Olivier Berger [[http://twitter.com/olberger][@olberger]] ([[http://www.april.org][APRIL administrator]]) -- Dimitri Fontaine [[http://twitter.com/tapoueh][@tapoueh]] ([[http://tapoueh.org/projects.html][el-get and other]] author) -- Julien Danjou [[http://twitter.com/juldanjou][@juldanjou]] ([[http://awesome.naquadah.org/][Awesome window manager]] and [[http://julien.danjou.info/software/][other]] author) -- Daniel Farina [[http://twitter.com/danfarina][@danfarina]] (member of the [[http://www.heroku.com/][Heroku]] Department of Data) #+end_quote #+begin_quote /“o-blog, a cool static blog generator from org-mode markup with some nice Bootstrap integration.”/ -- [[http://from-the-cloud.com/en/Random/2012/06/17_sites-back.html][Fabián Ezequiel Gallina]] #+end_quote #+begin_quote /“Thank you so much for the truly excellent elisp app. I am learning many things from it.”/ -- [[https://github.com/priyadarshan][priyadarshan]] #+end_quote #+begin_quote /“o-blog looks awesome!”/ -- [[https://github.com/djcb][Dirk-Jan C. Binnema]] (Author of [[http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu4e][mu4e]] and [[http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com][emacs-fu]]) #+end_quote #+begin_quote /“o-blog is amazing. After using Wordpress seemingly since the dawn of time, then Jekyll for a couple of years, this is like a spring breeze after a long, cold winter.”/ -- [[https://github.com/fravashi][Farasha Euker]] #+end_quote #+BEGIN_HTML </div><div class=\"span6 \"> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"hero-unit\"> #+END_HTML #+HTML: <h1>他们在使用 o-blog</h1> - [[http://renard.github.com/o-blog][O-blog Project]] - [[http://docs.chezwam.org][Mes doc à moi]] - [[http://from-the-cloud.com/][From the cloud]] - [[http://exaos.github.com/o-blog/][exaos]] - [[http://mikio.github.com/index.html][Mikio Kun]] - [[http://mimes.is/][Journal of the creative imagination]] - [[http://www.djcbsoftware.nl][DJCB Software]] - [[http://dimilar.com/de/index.html][Erlang Vision]] - [[http://pharos-alexandria.github.com][Pharos (Annette von Stockhausen)]] #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML <div class=\"hero-unit\"> #+END_HTML 如果您也在使用 o-blog, 给作者 [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog/issues/new][留句话]] 吧。 #+BEGIN_HTML </div> #+END_HTML #+BEGIN_HTML </div></div> #+END_HTML " |
content-html | "<div class=\"row \"><div class=\"span6 \"> <h1>用户推荐</h1> <blockquote> <p><i>“o-blog, great static site generator from emacs Org-mode.”</i> </p> <p> – Pierre-Yves Ritschard <a href=\"https://twitter.com/pyr/status/160466727195521024\">@pyr</a> (<a href=\"http://openbds.org\">OpenBSD</a> relayd original author) </p> <p> – Sergey Konoplev <a href=\"http://twitter.com/gray_hemp\">@gray_hemp</a> (<a href=\"http://PostgreSQL-Consulting.com\">PostgreSQL Consultant</a>) </p> <p> – Olivier Berger <a href=\"http://twitter.com/olberger\">@olberger</a> (<a href=\"http://www.april.org\">APRIL administrator</a>) </p> <p> – Dimitri Fontaine <a href=\"http://twitter.com/tapoueh\">@tapoueh</a> (<a href=\"http://tapoueh.org/projects.html\">el-get and other</a> author) </p> <p> – Julien Danjou <a href=\"http://twitter.com/juldanjou\">@juldanjou</a> (<a href=\"http://awesome.naquadah.org/\">Awesome window manager</a> and <a href=\"http://julien.danjou.info/software/\">other</a> author) </p> <p> – Daniel Farina <a href=\"http://twitter.com/danfarina\">@danfarina</a> (member of the <a href=\"http://www.heroku.com/\">Heroku</a> Department of Data) </p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><i>“o-blog, a cool static blog generator from org-mode markup with some nice Bootstrap integration.”</i> </p> <p> – <a href=\"http://from-the-cloud.com/en/Random/2012/06/17_sites-back.html\">Fabián Ezequiel Gallina</a> </p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><i>“Thank you so much for the truly excellent elisp app. I am learning many things from it.”</i> </p> <p> – <a href=\"https://github.com/priyadarshan\">priyadarshan</a> </p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><i>“o-blog looks awesome!”</i> </p> <p> – <a href=\"https://github.com/djcb\">Dirk-Jan C. Binnema</a> (Author of <a href=\"http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu4e\">mu4e</a> and <a href=\"http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com\">emacs-fu</a>) </p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><i>“o-blog is amazing. After using Wordpress seemingly since the dawn of time, then Jekyll for a couple of years, this is like a spring breeze after a long, cold winter.”</i> </p> <p> – <a href=\"https://github.com/fravashi\">Farasha Euker</a> </p> </blockquote> </div><div class=\"span6 \"> <div class=\"hero-unit\"> <h1>他们在使用 o-blog</h1> <ul> <li><a href=\"http://renard.github.com/o-blog\">O-blog Project</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://docs.chezwam.org\">Mes doc à moi</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://from-the-cloud.com/\">From the cloud</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://exaos.github.com/o-blog/\">exaos</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://mikio.github.com/index.html\">Mikio Kun</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://mimes.is/\">Journal of the creative imagination</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://www.djcbsoftware.nl\">DJCB Software</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://dimilar.com/de/index.html\">Erlang Vision</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://pharos-alexandria.github.com\">Pharos (Annette von Stockhausen)</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class=\"hero-unit\"> <p> 如果您也在使用 o-blog, 给作者 <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog/issues/new\">留句话</a> 吧。 </p> </div> </div></div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 10 |
title | "发展规划" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "roadmap" |
htmlfile | "roadmap.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil Here are some ideas for future versions - Use other source engines such as - [[http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/][AsciiDoc]] - [[http://mwolson.org/projects/EmacsMuse.html][Emacs Muse]] - etc... - Find a other name for the project such as - Web Hypertext Otimized Rendering Easy System - Building the Interweb from Texts Classic Hypermedia - Build All Internet Standard E-documents - Publication Unifiée de Tous E-documents - el-site - el-sitemanage - el-sitepublish - el-sitepress If you have any ideas please [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog/issues/new][drop me a line]]. " |
content-html | "<p> Here are some ideas for future versions </p> <ul> <li>Use other source engines such as <ul> <li><a href=\"http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/\">AsciiDoc</a> </li> <li><a href=\"http://mwolson.org/projects/EmacsMuse.html\">Emacs Muse</a> </li> <li>etc… </li> </ul> </li> <li>Find a other name for the project such as <ul> <li>Web Hypertext Otimized Rendering Easy System </li> <li>Building the Interweb from Texts Classic Hypermedia </li> <li>Build All Internet Standard E-documents </li> <li>Publication Unifiée de Tous E-documents </li> <li>el-site </li> <li>el-sitemanage </li> <li>el-sitepublish </li> <li>el-sitepress </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> If you have any ideas please <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog/issues/new\">drop me a line</a>. </p> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 11 |
title | "问答" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "文档" "32536950c0eb5cb77d8024b690f5a038"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_static.html" |
filepath | nil |
filename | "faq" |
htmlfile | "faq.html" |
path-to-root | "." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil ** 页面看起来丑丑的~~ Maybe you are using [[https://www.google.com/chrome/][google-chrome]] and try to view your site locally using a =file:///path/to/your/site/out/index.html= scheme. Open the javascript console =Ctrl+Shift+I= you should see something like: 如果你使用的是 [[https://www.google.com/chrome/][google-chrome]] 并且用 =file:///path/to/your/site/out/index.html= 这 种方式来查看页面的话,用 =Ctrl+Shift+I= 打开 JavaScript 控制台,你可能会看到如下 类似的提示: #+begin_example XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///path/to/your/site/out/out/style/css/o-blog.less. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP. less-1.2.1.min.js:8Uncaught Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101 #+end_example 这是 Chrome 载入本地 JavaScript 文件时的一个特点,这也是 Chrome 中的一个 /安全特性/ 。 你可以用选项 =--allow-file-access-from-files= 来关闭 Chrome 中的这个特点,或者你可以使用另一个浏览器或者设置一个本地的网页服务器。 有许多复杂的网页服务器解决方案,比如 [[http://nginx.org/][nginx]] 或 [[http://httpd.apache.org/][Apache]] 或许多 [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_server_software][其它的网页服务软件]]。 你可能会优先选择一个轻量级的简单解决方案。 使用 Python, 只需要简单地运行: #+begin_src sh cd /path/to/your/site && python -m SimpleHTTPServer #+end_src 然后浏览 http://localhost:8000 在 Emacs 中你还可以使用 [[https://github.com/jrhbailey/emacs-http-server][emacs-http-server]]: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (require 'httpd) (setq httpd-root \"/path/to/your/site\") (httpd-start) #+end_src 然后浏览 http://localhost:8080 其它的替代方法还有使用 [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Elnode][elnode]], 但它好象更复杂些。 ** Why html pages are not minified? HTML compression very tricky. Things can easily go wrong. Using a [[http://betterexplained.com/articles/how-to-optimize-your-site-with-gzip-compression/][GZip compression]] would be more efficient. Anyway if you still want to minify your pages, you can have a look to [[http://code.google.com/p/htmlcompressor/][htmlcompressor]], [[http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/][yuicompressor]] and [[https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/][Closure compiler]]. You can also read Juriy Zaytsev's articles on [[http://perfectionkills.com/optimizing-html/][optimizing HTML]] and [[http://perfectionkills.com/experimenting-with-html-minifier/][experimenting with html minifier]]. So here is the magic! Once your site is generated, you can run the following command: #+BEGIN_SRC sh htmlcompressor --compress-js --compress-css --recursive --mask '*.js;*.html;*.xml;*.css;*.less' -o /path/to/out/ /path/to/out #+END_SRC " |
content-html | "<div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-1\">页面看起来丑丑的~~</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-1\"> <p> Maybe you are using <a href=\"https://www.google.com/chrome/\">google-chrome</a> and try to view your site locally using a <code>file:///path/to/your/site/out/index.html</code> scheme. Open the javascript console <code>Ctrl+Shift+I</code> you should see something like: </p> <p> 如果你使用的是 <a href=\"https://www.google.com/chrome/\">google-chrome</a> 并且用 <code>file:///path/to/your/site/out/index.html</code> 这 种方式来查看页面的话,用 <code>Ctrl+Shift+I</code> 打开 JavaScript 控制台,你可能会看到如下 类似的提示: </p> <pre class=\"example\">XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///path/to/your/site/out/out/style/css/o-blog.less. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP. less-1.2.1.min.js:8Uncaught Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101 </pre> <p> 这是 Chrome 载入本地 JavaScript 文件时的一个特点,这也是 Chrome 中的一个 <i>安全特性</i> 。 </p> <p> 你可以用选项 <code>--allow-file-access-from-files</code> 来关闭 Chrome 中的这个特点,或者你可以使用另一个浏览器或者设置一个本地的网页服务器。 </p> <p> 有许多复杂的网页服务器解决方案,比如 <a href=\"http://nginx.org/\">nginx</a> 或 <a href=\"http://httpd.apache.org/\">Apache</a> 或许多 <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_server_software\">其它的网页服务软件</a>。 </p> <p> 你可能会优先选择一个轻量级的简单解决方案。 </p> <p> 使用 Python, 只需要简单地运行: </p> <pre class=\"src src-sh\"><span style=\"color: #b0c4de;\">cd</span> /path/to/your/site && python -m SimpleHTTPServer </pre> <p> 然后浏览 <a href=\"http://localhost:8000\">http://localhost:8000</a> </p> <p> 在 Emacs 中你还可以使用 <a href=\"https://github.com/jrhbailey/emacs-http-server\">emacs-http-server</a>: </p> <pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">(<span style=\"color: #00ffff;\">require</span> '<span style=\"color: #7fffd4;\">httpd</span>) (setq httpd-root <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">\"/path/to/your/site\"</span>) (httpd-start) </pre> <p> 然后浏览 <a href=\"http://localhost:8080\">http://localhost:8080</a> </p> <p> 其它的替代方法还有使用 <a href=\"http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Elnode\">elnode</a>, 但它好象更复杂些。 </p> </div> </div> <div id=\"outline-container-2\" class=\"outline-3\"> <h3 id=\"sec-2\">Why html pages are not minified?</h3> <div class=\"outline-text-3\" id=\"text-2\"> <p> HTML compression very tricky. Things can easily go wrong. Using a <a href=\"http://betterexplained.com/articles/how-to-optimize-your-site-with-gzip-compression/\">GZip compression</a> would be more efficient. </p> <p> Anyway if you still want to minify your pages, you can have a look to <a href=\"http://code.google.com/p/htmlcompressor/\">htmlcompressor</a>, <a href=\"http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/\">yuicompressor</a> and <a href=\"https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/\">Closure compiler</a>. You can also read Juriy Zaytsev's articles on <a href=\"http://perfectionkills.com/optimizing-html/\">optimizing HTML</a> and <a href=\"http://perfectionkills.com/experimenting-with-html-minifier/\">experimenting with html minifier</a>. </p> <p> So here is the magic! Once your site is generated, you can run the following command: </p> <pre class=\"src src-sh\">htmlcompressor --compress-js --compress-css --recursive --mask <span style=\"color: #ffa07a;\">'*.js;*.html;*.xml;*.css;*.less'</span> -o /path/to/out/ /path/to/out </pre> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | nil |
title | "Redirect from (一些 org 语法示例)" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
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tags | nil |
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filepath | "tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode/" |
filename | "index" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode/index.html" |
path-to-root | "../../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil * Redirect from (一些 org 语法示例) :PROPERTIES: :PAGE: tips/2012/01/07_syntax-org-mode/index.html :TEMPLATE: page_redirect.html :END:" |
content-html | "<div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-2\"> <h2 id=\"sec-1\">Redirect from (一些 org 语法示例)</h2> <div class=\"outline-text-2\" id=\"text-1\"> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | nil |
title | "Redirect from (在博文中添加图片)" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "Tips" "tips"] |
tags | nil |
template | "page_redirect.html" |
filepath | "tips/2012/08/21_00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026/" |
filename | "index" |
htmlfile | "tips/2012/08/21_00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026/index.html" |
path-to-root | "../../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil * Redirect from (在博文中添加图片) :PROPERTIES: :PAGE: tips/2012/08/21_00733d4efa6667a085bebed8a14b1026/index.html :TEMPLATE: page_redirect.html :END:" |
content-html | "<div id=\"outline-container-1\" class=\"outline-2\"> <h2 id=\"sec-1\">Redirect from (在博文中添加图片)</h2> <div class=\"outline-text-2\" id=\"text-1\"> </div> </div> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 0 |
title | "Copyright" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "博客设置" "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09" |
filename | "copyright" |
htmlfile | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09/12_copyright.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil Copyright © 2008-2012 [[mailto:seb%2520%E2%9D%A8%C9%91%C6%A6%C9%B5%CF%90%C9%91%CA%82%C9%9B%E2%9D%A9%2520chezwam%2520%E2%9D%A8%C6%A4%C9%B5%C9%A9%C9%B2%CA%88%E2%9D%A9%2520org][Sébastien Gross]]. Published under the therm of the [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/fr/][Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 France License]]. " |
content-html | "<p> Copyright © 2008-2012 <a href=\"mailto:seb%20❨ɑƦɵϐɑʂɛ❩%20chezwam%20❨Ƥɵɩɲʈ❩%20org\">Sébastien Gross</a>. Published under the therm of the <a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/fr/\">Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 France License</a>. </p>" |
属性 | 值 |
id | 1 |
title | "About" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "博客设置" "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09" |
filename | "about" |
htmlfile | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09/12_about.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil 这是个解释 [[https://github.com/renard/o-blog][o-blog]] 工作原理的博客样例。 " |
content-html | "<p> 这是个解释 <a href=\"https://github.com/renard/o-blog\">o-blog</a> 工作原理的博客样例。 </p>" |
属性 | 值 |
id | 2 |
title | "Navigation" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "博客设置" "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09" |
filename | "navigation" |
htmlfile | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09/12_navigation.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil - [[file:../../../features.html][/icon-cog icon-white/ 特性]] - [[#][/icon-book icon-white/ 文档]] - [[file:../../../templates.html][模版]] - [[file:../../../structures.html][文档结构]] - [[file:../../../functions.html][函数]] - - [[file:../../../faq.html][FAQ]] - - [[file:../../../bug-report.html][反馈软件缺陷]] - [[#][/icon-file icon-white/ 近期博文]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-function format%20"%25s/%25s"%20)][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-function format%20"%25s/%25s"%20)][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-function format%20"%25s/%25s"%20)][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")][Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")]] - [[file:../../../tags/index.html][/icon-tags icon-white/ 标签]] - [[file:../../../testimonials.html][/icon-comments-alt icon-white/ 用户推荐]] - [[file:../../../index.xml][/icon-rss icon-white/ RSS]] - [[file:../../../archives.html][/icon-list icon-white/ 归档]] - [[file:../../../changelog.html][/icon-pencil icon-white/ 更新记录]] - [[file:../../../roadmap.html][/icon-tasks icon-white/ 规划]] - [[file:../../../debug.html][(调试)]] " |
content-html | "<ul> <li><a href=\"../../../features.html\"><i>icon-cog icon-white</i> 特性</a> </li> <li><a href=\"#\"><i>icon-book icon-white</i> 文档</a> <ul> <li><a href=\"../../../templates.html\">模版</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../structures.html\">文档结构</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../functions.html\">函数</a> </li> <li> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../faq.html\">FAQ</a> </li> <li> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../bug-report.html\">反馈软件缺陷</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href=\"#\"><i>icon-file icon-white</i> 近期博文</a> <ul> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\">Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "Tips")</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../tags/index.html\"><i>icon-tags icon-white</i> 标签</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../testimonials.html\"><i>icon-comments-alt icon-white</i> 用户推荐</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../index.xml\"><i>icon-rss icon-white</i> RSS</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../archives.html\"><i>icon-list icon-white</i> 归档</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../changelog.html\"><i>icon-pencil icon-white</i> 更新记录</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../roadmap.html\"><i>icon-tasks icon-white</i> 规划</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../debug.html\">(调试)</a> </li> </ul> " |
属性 | 值 |
id | 3 |
title | "Navigation Footer" |
timespamp | (20559 24576) |
year | 2012 |
month | 9 |
day | 12 |
category | [cl-struct-ob:category "博客设置" "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717"] |
tags | nil |
template | "blog_post.html" |
filepath | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09" |
filename | "navigation-footer" |
htmlfile | "788f2c7b101e31eb2a10d94e633dc717/2012/09/12_navigation-footer.html" |
path-to-root | "../../.." |
sitemap | nil |
content | "#+OPTIONS: H:7 num:nil toc:nil d:nil todo:nil <:nil pri:nil tags:nil - [[file:../../../index.html][/icon-home icon-white/ 首页]] - [[file:Lisp error in nil: (void-function let%20)][/icon-file icon-white/ 近期博文]] - [[file:../../../tags.html][/icon-tags icon-white/ 标签]] - [[file:../../../archives.html][/icon-list icon-white/ 归档博文]] - [[file:../../../testimonials.html][/icon-comments-alt icon-white/ 用户推荐]] - [[file:../../../roadmap.html][/icon-tasks icon-white/ 发展规划]] - [[file:../../../index.xml][/icon-rss icon-white/ 订阅摘要]] " |
content-html | "<ul> <li><a href=\"../../../index.html\"><i>icon-home icon-white</i> 首页</a> </li> <li><a href=\"Lisp error in nil: (void-variable "%s/%s")\"><i>icon-file icon-white</i> 近期博文</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../tags.html\"><i>icon-tags icon-white</i> 标签</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../archives.html\"><i>icon-list icon-white</i> 归档博文</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../testimonials.html\"><i>icon-comments-alt icon-white</i> 用户推荐</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../roadmap.html\"><i>icon-tasks icon-white</i> 发展规划</a> </li> <li><a href=\"../../../index.xml\"><i>icon-rss icon-white</i> 订阅摘要</a> </li> </ul> " |